Eviscerated pathway of beauty de Tired Hands Brewing Company para #beersaturday (Esp-Eng)

Últimamente estoy descubriendo muchas cerveceras americanas nuevas. Pero como he dicho en muchas ocasiones, eso tampoco es algo de mucho mérito, ya que solo en Estados Unidos hay más de cinco mil cerveceras artesanas. Una barbaridad que es el reflejo del valor y cuidado que se tiene por este producto, el cual tiene una cuota de mercado del treinta por ciento. Con esos números es más fácil lanzarse a montar un negocio. En España dicha cuota no llega al cuatro por ciento.
La cervecera que os muestro para el #beersaturday de esta semana es Tired Hands Brewing Company.

Cerveza: Eviscerated pathway of beauty
Cervecera: Tired Hands Brewing Company (Ardmore, Estados Unidos)
Estilo: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 8.6º
IBU: 70
Lúpulo: Citra
Formato: Lata de 475 ml

Oda al Citra, quizá el lúpulo moderno más carismático y apreciado por el público cervecero. En esta cerveza muestra todo su esplendor, desde el aroma intenso a cítricos, a sus característicos sabores a corteza de limón. Muy refrescante y sabrosa. Con gran densidad y un color turbio por la cantidad de avena que lleva, la cual también suaviza el trago y le aporta un toque sutilmente dulce, aunque el estacazo de amargor está siempre presente.
Muy equilibrada y sorprendentemente fácil de beber pese a esos casi 9º.
Excelente cerveza y otra muesca más en mi cinturón personal de cervezas americanas.

I've been discovering a lot of new American breweries lately. But as I have said on many occasions, that is not something of much merit either, since in the United States alone there are more than five thousand craft breweries. An outrage that is a reflection of the value and care taken for this product, which has a thirty percent market share. With those numbers it is easier to start a business. In Spain this quota does not reach four percent.
The brewery I'm showing you for this week's #beersaturday is Tired Hands Brewing Company.

Beer: Eviscerated pathway of beauty
Brewery: Tired Hands Brewing Company (Ardmore, United States)
Style: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 8.6º
IBU: 70
Hops: Citra
Format: 475 ml can

Ode to Citra, perhaps the most charismatic modern hop appreciated by the beer public. In this beer it shows all its splendor, from the intense citrus aroma to its characteristic lemon peel flavors. Very refreshing and tasty. With great density and a cloudy color due to the amount of oats it contains, which also softens the drink and gives it a subtly sweet touch, although the hint of bitterness is always present.
Very balanced and surprisingly easy to drink despite those almost 9º.
Excellent beer and another notch in my personal belt of American beers.


Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


I had this beer a couple of weeks ago, along with another 3-4 Tired Hands beers at their launch into Australia - have to agree that these were wonderful beers.


I agree with you. Great beer. I didn't know this brewery but I loved it
