High Season de Soma Beer para #beersaturday (Esp-Eng)

Para el #beersaturday de esta semana os traigo otra cerveza de Soma Beer, desde Gerona. He posteado muchas cervezas de estos chicos y probablemente sea la cervecera que más amor odio me produce. Por un lado, tal y como he dicho muchas veces, creo que hacen las mejores IPA de corte modernos de toda España, están realmente buenas, nadie consigue esa cremosidad y densidad en trago con la fusión perfecta entre fruta y amargor. A mí personalmente me recuerda a las afamadas cerveceras americanas Tree House o Trillium.
Pero por otro lado, como siempre digo, todas las cervezas me saben igual. Misma receta diferentes lúpulos. Como curiosidad, todas sus DIPA tienen 8º. Algo que alimenta mi teoría. Y además sus diseños son muy monótonos e igualmente muy parecidos. Cuando ves las latas en la nevera del bar o en la estantería de la tienda, no sabes si la has probado o no, porque todos los diseños son casi idénticos.
En cualquier caso seguiré bebiendo SOMA. Cuyo nombre, también me encanta y es un guiño a la droga recreativa del icónico libro de Aldous Huxley, "Un mundo feliz"

Cerveza: High Season
Cervecera: Soma Beer (Gerona, España)
Estilo: Imperial IPA
Lúpulo: Citra, Citra Cryo y Riwaka
Formato: Lata de 440 ml

La cerveza como siempre espectacular. Esta quizá tenga una mayor carga de lúpulo que otras que he probado, pues deja en tu paladar ese picor que tanto nos gusta a los cerveceros, así como ese regusto a hierba fresca.
Mucha fruta tropical y toques a corteza de limón y naranja.
Contundente aroma que te acompaña hasta el último trago.

For this week's #beersaturday I bring you another beer from Soma Beer, from Gerona. I have posted many beers from these guys and they are probably the brewery that I love the most. On the one hand, as I have said many times, I think they make the best modern IPAs in all of Spain, they are really good, no one achieves that creaminess and density in the drink with the perfect fusion between fruit and bitterness. Personally, it reminds me of the famous American breweries Tree House or Trillium.
But on the other hand, as I always say, all beers taste the same to me. Same recipe different hops. As a curiosity, all their DIPA have 8º. Something that fuels my theory. And also their designs are very monotonous and also very similar. When you see the cans in the bar fridge or on the store shelf, you don't know if you've tried it or not, because all the designs are almost identical.
In any case I will continue drinking SOMA. Whose name, I also love and is a nod to the recreational drug from Aldous Huxley's iconic book, "Brave New World."

Beer: High Season
Brewery: Soma Beer (Gerona, Spain)
Style: Imperial IPA
Hops: Citra, Citra Cryo and Riwaka
Format: 440 ml can

The beer as always spectacular. This perhaps has a greater load of hops than others I have tried, as it leaves on your palate that itch that we brewers like so much, as well as that aftertaste of fresh grass.
Lots of tropical fruit and hints of lemon and orange peel.
Strong aroma that accompanies you until the last drink.


Awesome looking beer! It looks delicious, and I can almost smell it through my PC's screen. I wish I could taste some.

The name is so creative, with the reference to Huxley's book. Have you read it?

In any case, enjoy the beer!


Thanks for comment. The book is a classic. I read it many years ago and I loved it.


Great! I read it many years ago as well, might as well read it again. So much has happened since the last time reading it. Keep well!
