A heartfelt Tribute to Amazing Mothers

Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, it is a pleasure to write and share my post here with the community. This is going to be my first time writing here in the community but then nothing spoilt as I would be making it a habit to visit the community and share posts with everyone here. After following the INLEO Monthly prompts for some time now, I am now ready and set to keep the move going as I was busy in the previous months. I would try to be consistent this time around so I can make it to the lucky winners at the end of the month.

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Today marks the 12th day of the monthly prompt and we have the topic for the day as Mother's Day. The 12th of May every year has been marked as Mother's Day which is celebrated each year. This day is to show love and affection to our mothers for indeed they deserve to be celebrated. Looking at the labor they have gone through from the pregnancy stage till birth and then taking care of you from infancy age to adulthood isn't a small labor. I think every day should rather be Mother's Day and not just a single day.

We should celebrate this day every day of our lives instead of just a single day after which we go back to our normal behaviors. Our mothers deserved to be loved, cared for, supported, etc every day anytime. If you still have your mom alive, that is a blessing for you and should embrace it well by treating her with the best treatment in the world. Don't make her angry, always try to make her happy, and also abide by what she says with obedience.

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Our mothers have suffered a lot, to be honest from childbirth labor to date. Mothers always love their children no matter the kind of person they are. Mothers give all their heart, soul, and energy to raise their children to the extent of exchanging their needs for theirs. Mothers should be a role model to everyone and I think the little ones would copy that from them. It doesn't matter the kind of person or mother you are, be it adoptive mother, or biological mother, we hail and celebrate you all today because your impact is immeasurable to the world.

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Mothers do not just contribute to the family alone but also the entire community and country at large. Mothers are the peak of patience and devotion and we stand to make you happy every day so you will enjoy the fruits of what you sow. Thank you, dear mothers, for all that you do for us. We are forever grateful. Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers out there!

Here is the link to the monthly prompt if you would like to participate; INLEOPROMPT Check this post out guys @hungrywanderer, @salsh.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A big shout-out to all mothers out there. They are are best honestly
