Climate Change due to Environmental conditions - Ghana


Hello everyone, I welcome you all once again to my blog and I am very excited to write and share this interesting topic with you all. I am glad to be back active in blogging and today I am writing this post to participate in the INLEO monthly prompt. Today, I would share with you guys the weather experience we are currently having here in my country. In the northern part of Ghana, precisely Tamale as that is my current location now, this period is the time for the Rainy season and during this time we experience a lot of rainfall.

However, this season seems to be different from the usual as we all know it to be. Although, we do have some rainfall, but it is not as much as previously. Would we say the weather has changed or the rainy season is not yet up to the period? Hmmm, this should be a rhetorical question I guess but we can think about it. I would say environmental factors should be the cause, such as air pollution, land pollution, etc.

These factors do affect the climate and can lead to changes in the seasons of every country. As a result, we need to put up solutions to these problems to prevent such things from happening in our countries. Today’s weather in the morning was looking rainy but as the day brightened up, it went back to normal and brightened day. In the afternoon, it was sunny but not that scorching because there was a previous sign of rain, and that made it to balance. Tamale normally is a sunny town and many people complain a lot when they come here because of how scorching the sun is.

On the other hand, during the rainy season too, it rains cats and dogs to the extent that people not being able to come out of their homes to work, schools, markets, etc. This is a very challenging factor when it comes to the rainy season period in my town. To curb these environmental challenges in our various communities, I urge that public education be adopted to address this issue.

This post is an entry to the INLEO August Prompt, you can join me as we participate by following the link shared here in this post.

Thank you all for your time and attention. I am looking forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts. Have a nice day.
Note: All images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
