From home or in person?/ LOH #199

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Pexels/ Image edited with ToomMe and Canva/ Imagen editada con ToomMe y Canva

I do not know if remote jobs existed before the internet, maybe yes, but they were carried in another way, probably people were looking for their tasks and they were given a delivery date, what I am sure is that remote jobs or freelancer have had a new boom and demand thanks to the internet connection which allows to be present at any time even if there is a distance, also allows to perform tasks from the comfort of home, plus it is not necessary to go in person to work, allowing many to save including employers.

For 18 years I have been working in an institution, I see it as something normal, but in the years of the pandemic I stopped going to the office and I met HIVE, I saw the difference between doing something in a workplace or in person and what it is like to work at home, logically Hive is not a job, but it allowed me to have an idea of what it is like to work at home, where I could adjust my schedule, choose it.

But I also have the experience of a very dear neighbor who is a graphic designer and has been working from home for a few years and the truth is that I feel that the poor thing has no life, perhaps because the company that hired her does not have many staff and perhaps it is also partly due to her character, she is a little scattered and gets stressed or rather anxious before the task begins.


Photo by from PxHere

On the other hand, I have noticed that when we work from home we tend, some of us, to relax and not get organized and that takes away productive time, on the other hand, I have seen this neighbor very stressed because the clients are a real nightmare and seem not to express themselves well as to what they want and when they go to request adjustments or corrections they seem to talk in parts which makes her spend many many hours in front of the computer.

So, it can be said that working from home or face to face has its pros and cons which are related to time management, for example I never bring work home is something I promised myself long ago, but working at home has its advantages such as choosing, in some cases the schedule in which you will work.

On the other hand, many, many times work from home jobs are better paid than those in person and also working from home allows us to save, as I mentioned, but I particularly see a disadvantage as a woman, you stop taking care of yourself, since you are not going to leave home, which causes us to neglect ourselves a little or a lot in some cases.



In summary, I think that the decision to work from home or in person will depend in part on the profession and what each one implies, I want to have a second job from home for those days when I am there to generate more income, so I say goodbye to my participation in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #199.


Desconozco totalmente si los empleos remotos existían antes del internet, tal vez sí, pero eran llevados de otra manera, probablemente las personas pasaban buscando sus tareas y se les señala una fecha de entrega, de lo que si estoy segura es que los empleos remotos o freelancer han tenido un nuevo auge y demanda gracias a la conexión a internet lo que permite estar presentes en cualquier momento aunque exista una distancia, igualmente permite realizar tareas desde la comodidad del hogar, además de que no hace falta ir de manera presencial a laborar, permitiendo a muchos ahorrar incluidos los empleadores.

Desde hace 18 años laboro en una institución, lo veo como algo normal, pero en los años de la pandemia deje de asistir a la oficina y conocí a HIVE, vi la diferencia entre hacer algo en un lugar de trabajo o de modo presencial y lo que es digamos trabajar en casa, lógicamente Hive no es un trabajo, pero me permitió tener una idea de lo que es trabajar en casa, donde yo podía ajustar mi horario, elegirlo.

Pero también tengo la experiencia de una vecina muy querida que es diseñadora gráfica y desde hace unos años trabaja desde casa y la verdad siento que la pobre no tiene vida, tal vez se deba a que la empresa que la contrato no tiene mucho personal y tal vez también en parte se deba a su carácter, ella es un poco dispersa y se estresa o más bien pone ansiosa antes de que la tarea comience.

Por otra parte, he notado que cuando trabajamos desde casa solemos, algunos, relajarnos y no organizarnos y eso nos resta tiempo productivo, por otro lado, he visto a esta vecina muy estresada porque los clientes son una verdadera pesadilla y parecieran no expresarse bien en cuanto a lo que desean y cuando van a solicitar ajustes o correcciones parecen hablar por partes lo que le hace pasar muchas muchas horas delante del computador.

Así que, se puede decir que el trabajo desde casa o presencial tiene cada uno sus pros y sus contras los cuales se relacionan con la gestión de tiempo, por ejemplo yo jamás me traigo trabajo a casa es algo que me prometí hace mucho, pero trabajar en casa tiene sus ventajas como elegir, en algunos casos el horario en el que laboraras.

Por otra parte, muchas, muchas veces los trabajos desde casa son mejor remunerados que los presenciales y también el trabajar desde casa nos permite ahorrar, como ya mencione, pero yo particularmente le veo una desventaja como mujer, uno deja de arreglarse, ya que no se va a salir de casa, lo que ocasiona que nos descuidemos un poco o mucho en algunos casos.

En resumen, creo que la decisión de trabajo desde casa o presencial dependerá en parte de la profesión y de lo que para cada uno implique, yo deseo tener un segundo empleo desde casa para esos días en los que estoy allí para así generar más ingresos, así me despido de mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #199


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Back in the day before the internet, there were jobs 'stuffing envelopes' where you were paid per envelope. The jobs were found in the local want ads in the newspapers. Beyond those jobs, I can not think of any other work from home from back in the day.

I have to agree with you about it depending on the person and the situation. I work 3 days a week, working more like 4+ in those 3 days. A few months ago, I was doing some of the office work from home on my off days (with pay), but I found that I had a harder time because at the office, I would have to get up and down because of patients, even on days when the doc wasn't there. Here at home, that was not the case and sitting for about 2 hours straight is all I could manage before my joints screamed in agony from sitting for too long.

I hope you get to find that second job that does allow you the freedom that you would need. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!


That's why I say that everything has its pros and cons, I know you have felt it in your joints, I have understood it by spending many hours sitting in front of the computer here at home, to the point that my knee became inflamed.


I guess getting up and moving would help but sometimes it’s not so easy to do! Take care! 💕


I've been doing some freelancing jobs recently, and I can say that it's a bit toxic too. I even want to go back to working abroad where I can go traveling on weekends, lol...
But I agree with there's more time for oneself when working from home, it's just a matter of time management and choosing the right client to work with, and right job to accept..


From what I've seen firsthand with a neighbor, you have to be very mindful of those details you mention.

time management and choosing the right client to work with, and the right job to accept.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
