Grateful with what I have, there is only one thing left to complete/ LOH #205

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Sometimes, during moments of reflection or when we begin to remember the moments we have lived, we realize how the years have passed and what we have achieved, whether material or more personal accomplishments.

For example, I can say that when I was single my life was centered around me, but when I became a mother my life changed radically. My center became centered around that little person who is now 21 years old.

Now, although material achievements are celebrated and are part of the well-being that we all long to achieve, as time goes by we do not realize that we cannot take anything of what we have here with us when we die, as parents we try to make sure that our children lack nothing, but sometimes we forget that the main thing is not what can be bought with money, it is love, lessons and those things that cannot be bought.


from PxHere

That is to say, the important thing is to prepare them for life without us and I am not only talking about formal education studies, a career, I am talking about sowing values and principles, trying to make them good people and teaching them to recognize and manage their emotions and feelings.

As the years went by, my priorities changed. What was important before is not important now, even some of those things that were important before, I now see them as something that can be dispensed with or can wait.

Now at 50 years old I look back and, although my life is not perfect, I can say that I feel complete. There are still goals to achieve, things or relationships that I will still strive for, as it is never too late, but there is only one thing I wish to achieve or, rather, see.


from PxHere

As I already mentioned, being a mother changes us and what we most want is for that child or children to grow up and be independent and to be able to stand on their own when we are not there or when we as parents have to pass the baton to them so that they can be our relief.

That is what I would say that I have yet to see in this life and so I will feel more than complete and calm, because I am happy with much or little, in abundance and also when there is no abundance, when there are adversities and when everything goes smoothly.

In short, there is always something we wish to complete and achieve in this life, but as parents what we most desire or, at least in my case, is to see my son prepared for his life without me. So I say goodbye to my participation in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #205

Versión en Español (pulse aquí)

A veces, durante momentos de reflexión o en los que comenzamos a recordar los momentos vividos, nos damos cuenta de como los años han pasado y de lo que hemos logrado, ya sea material o logros más personales.

Por ejemplo, puedo decir que cuando era soltera mi vida se centraba en mí, pero cuando me convertí en madre mi vida cambió radicalmente. Ya mi centro pasó a estar en torno a esa pequeña personita que actualmente ya tiene 21 años.

Ahora bien, aunque los logros materiales se celebran y forman parte de ese bienestar que todos anhelamos alcanzar, con el pasar del tiempo no damos cuenta de que no podemos llevarnos nada de lo que tenemos aquí al momento de morir, como padres procuramos que a nuestros hijos no les falte nada, pero a veces olvidamos que lo principal no es lo que se compra con dinero es el cariño, lecciones y aquellas cosas que no se pueden comprar.

Es decir, lo importante es prepararlos para la vida sin nosotros y no hablo solo de estudios de educación formal, de una carrera, hablo de sembrar valores y principios, de procurar que sean buenas personas y de enseñarles a reconocer y manejar sus emociones y sentimientos.

Con el pasar de los años, mis prioridades fueron cambiando. Lo que antes era importante ahora no lo es, incluso algunas de esas cosas que antes eran importantes, ahora las veo como algo de lo que se puede prescindir o puede esperar.

Ya con 50 años veo hacia atrás y, aunque mi vida no es perfecta, puedo decir que me siento completa. Todavía hay metas que alcanzar, cosas o relaciones por las que todavía lucharé, pues nunca es tarde, pero solo hay algo que deseo alcanzar o, mejor dicho, ver.

Como ya mencione el ser madre nos cambia y lo que más se desea es que ese o esos hijos crezcan y puedan ser independientes que están como se dice hechos y derechos y puedan valerse por si solos cuando no estamos o cuando ya nosotros como padres tenemos que pasarles el testigo para que sean nuestro relevo.

Eso es lo que diría que yo me falta por ver en esta vida y así me sentirá más que completa y tranquila, porque feliz soy con lo mucho o poco, en abundancia y también cuando no la hay, cuando hay adversidades y cuando todo va viento en popa.

En resumen, siempre hay algo que deseamos completar y alcanzar en esta vida, pero como padres lo que más deseamos o, al menos en mi caso, es ver a mi hijo preparado para su vida sin mí. Así me despido de mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #205


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Gratitude is a thing that makes us see and feel the abundance in our lives. No matter how little we might apparently have, gratitude increases it.

For a parent, the chldren become a source of joy. It is quite understandable that our desires and feeling of completion are associated with the lives of our children.

Best wishes to you !LADY


To be grateful is to see life from an angle of joy and hope, and yes, as parents, we always wish well for our children.


Certainly with time we can understand how to be happy in abundance and also when there is no abundance, as a mother it is beautiful to prepare your child for their own life, thank you for sharing,


I am convinced that being happy is a decision and one must be happy in abundance and in poverty. The goal of every parent should be to prepare their children for life (I think so) so that they are happy, because we will not always be with them.

Estoy convencida de que ser feliz es una decisión y hay que serlo en la abundancia y en la pobreza. La meta de todo padre debe ser preparar a sus hijos para la vida (eso creo) para que sean felices, pues no siempre estaremos con ellos


I'm not a parent yet but I've seen the joy of parents is tied to their children in many cases.

Your post makes me feel content, I must say 😊


When we are parents, our children's joys are ours and so are their problems. The duty of a parent never ends, even when our children are grown up, we will always be attentive to what happens to them.


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