My old, worn-out bear / LOH #192




I have had an object at home for many years that I don't want to do without. I own some prettier and more colorful, more recent and pleasing to the eye, but for me none of my other teddy bears compare to this special bear, which is all old and patched up.

I've dedicated other posts to this teddy bear, but I'm sure the only thing I could match would be the story of how it came into my hands and how much it represents to me.


If the story that my mother told me is completely true, this teddy bear has been by my side for 48 years, really as I mentioned it is not the most beautiful bear I have, but for me it represents something special, maybe because it was my first teddy bear, maybe that is why my mother repeatedly patched it up, noticing what it meant to me.

That teddy bear has almost no teddy fur and no stuffing, his nose is a little black spot that remained attached to his skin, because the one he brought at some point left his body, but in him I see reflected my years as a happy child when I had my mother and father together, I was the only daughter, the only granddaughter spoiled by my grandmother and I also had my little dog Pandi.


When I slept, I would cuddle my bear and the hours I spent playing with that cherished toy were great. I remember how bad I felt when I saw it had some damage or a little hole where its stuffing was coming out and how happy I was when my mom would repair it so I could play with it again.

Now, for those who do not know, that bear was bought by my mother from a peddler who came to the door of our home, when I was 2 years old, my mother every time she saw me with that bear reminded me that the seller had many beautiful toys like dolls, kitchens, pots and more, but since I saw it available I fell madly in love with the bear, she tried to convince me to choose another toy showing me how cute they could be, but I remained firm asking for my teddy bear.


This broken bear, with little stuffing and almost no nose is the only childhood toy that I keep, the rest of my bears were given to me when I was a young girl, it is true that they are cuter, but this broken bear has a great value for me and therefore even though it is not in perfect condition I do not get rid of it.

In short, this is the old and worn thing that I can't get rid of. You can see from the pictures how my dear bear looks like, which never had a name, it is already 48 years old and I do not dare to wash it for fear of destroying it completely. This is the end of my participation in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #192.


Tengo en casa un objeto desde hace muchos años del que no quiero prescindir. Poseo algunos más bonitos y vistosos, más recientes y agradables a la vista, pero para mí ninguno de mis otros osos de peluche se compara a ese oso especial, que está todo viejito y remendado.

He dedicado otras publicaciones a este osito de peluche, pero estoy segura de que lo único que podría coincidir sería la historia de cómo llegó a mis manos y lo mucho que representa para mí.

Si la historia que me narro mi madre es del todo verídica este oso de peluche tiene a mi lado 48 años, realmente como mencione no es el oso más bello que tengo, pero para mí representa algo especial, tal vez por haber sido mi primer oso de peluche, tal vez por eso mismo mi madre lo remendó en repetidas oportunidades, al notar lo que para mí significaba.

Ese osito ya casi no tiene piel de peluche y tampoco relleno, su nariz es una manchita negra que quedo adherida a su piel, pues la que trajo en algún momento dejo su cuerpo, pero en él veo reflejado mis años de niña feliz cuando tenía a mi madre y padre juntos, era la hija única, la única nieta consentida de mi abuela y además tenía a mi perrito Pandi.

Cuando dormía, abrazaba a mi oso y las horas que pasé jugando con ese apreciado juguete fueron geniales. Recuerdo lo mal que me sentía al ver que tenía algún daño o un huequito por el que se saliera su relleno y lo feliz que era cuando mi mamá lo reparaba para que yo jugara con él nuevamente.

Ahora bien, para quienes no lo saben, ese oso se lo compro mi madre a un vendedor ambulante que llego a la puerta de nuestro hogar, cuando yo tenía 2 años, mi madre cada vez que me veía con ese osito me recordaba que el vendedor tenía muchos juguetes hermosos como muñecas, cocinitas, ollas y más, pero que yo desde que vi lo disponible me enamore perdidamente del osito, ella intentó convencerme de elegir otro juguete mostrándome lo lindos que podían ser, pero yo permanecí firme pidiendo mi oso de peluche.

Este oso así roto, con poco relleno y casi sin nariz es el único juguete de la infancia que conservo, el resto de mis osos me fueron obsequiados cuando ya era una jovencita, es cierto que son más lindos, pero ese oso destrozado para mí tiene un gran valor y por ello aunque no este es perfecto estado no me deshago de él.

En resumen, esta es la cosa vieja y desgastada de la que no puedo desprenderme. Podrán apreciar por las fotografías como luce mi querido oso que nunca tenido nombre, que ya tiene 48 años de edad y no me atrevo a lavarlo por temor a destrozarlo por completo. Así culmina mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #192.

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Amiga linda🫂 eso es un logro! Poder tener tu osito desde hace tanto. Es un tesoro. Cómo siempre me quedo enganchada con tus post por esa forma tan sencilla y genuina de escribir. Un 🤗


Hola amiga, allí donde lo ves todo estropeado es un tesoro para mí. Gracias como siempre por pasar a visitarme.


So sweet @actioncats! I understand how you feel. I have a couple of my own. Thank you for sharing the story; take care and have a lovely day!


This stuffed animal brings back many memories of my childhood and some even shared with my cats who fall in love with it and want to steal it to play with or use it as a pillow, in fact, sometimes they succeed.


I understand how you feel; I've had my own from childhood and I cherish the memories! As for the kitties; it's adorable they want to steal it!

Take care and have a lovely week!🤗💜


What a treasured bear that is! Some things have a deep connection with us they are hard to let go. Thanks for sharing your bear toy story with us :)



That's right, I had before and after this bear, many things between toys and other more valuable or beautiful ones, but I love this bear very much.


I understand :) You two have a connection hehe


Oh my! It looks so old and ugly haha but this is really priceless, you can't find that exact kinda doll to buy again.
You seem happy holding it in that picture hehe.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but the truth is that you don't see bears like this anywhere and the fact that my mother took the trouble more than once to mend it (twice she made felt eyes for me) gave it more value for me.


And I would have though you'd likely having a stuffy toy cat rather than a bear. ♥️ 🧸


At home there is only one stuffed animal of a cat, the rest are flesh and blood.🤣


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