To my younger self/ LOH #191

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As we grow in years and maturity, it is inevitable not to think about all the bad times or tastelessness that could have been avoided if we had had the experience we have after passing the years or living certain situations, also in how our life could be different if we had dared to do or, on the contrary, if we had not taken certain decisions, since every decision brings a consequence.

Now, if I had the opportunity to give advice and wisdom to me, my younger self, without a doubt, my first piece of advice would be: Dare without fear. You don't know how many opportunities you missed because you didn't believe in yourself or for fear of not being able to, it's better to take a risk and see what happens along the way than to stay with the doubt of what would have happened.


Enjoy every moment with your mother and grandmother, because when they are gone you will miss them so much and wish you had more time with them. Listen to each of their words with more heart and simplicity, because their words, no matter how strong or hard they may sound to you, are always from love.

Save more, in the future having savings will allow you to make decisions that will be for your benefit and that of your loved ones, but for this you must have a base and saving is the only way to achieve it.

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Remember that not everyone is like you, so observe and listen, but preferably speak less or keep quiet, because many are not as sincere and honest as you and then you could be in the middle of a conflict, believing that you were doing a favor and not everyone saw it as you did.

Choose well the people you surround yourself with, especially your friends. Many times your social circle will be the difference between you advancing, stagnating or regressing, and this applies in all areas.


Live one day at a time, remember that if something has a solution, even if it takes time, it will be achieved with determination and, if there is no solution, why worry, leave that aside and focus your efforts on what can be solved.

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today; procrastinating is the worst thing you can do. You will have so much to do later that you won't know where to start.

Go to the beach, to the movies, to eat; if you don't have company, go alone. Learning to be alone with yourself is also part of growing emotionally.


from PxHere

Remember that the greatest asset of any human being is time, it goes away and does not return and only the bitter taste of not having taken good advantage of it remains.

In summary, this would be the advice and wisdom that I would give to my younger self if I could find myself and change some things, although I firmly believe that I am what I am today because of the sum of all the experiences I have lived, whether sweet or bitter, this is how my participation in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #191


A medida que se crece en años y madurez, es inevitable no pensar en todos los malos ratos o sin sabores que se hubieran podido evitar si se hubiera contado con la experiencia que tenemos tras pasar los años o vivir ciertas situaciones, también en como podría ser diferente nuestra vida de habernos atrevido a hacer o, por el contrario, de no haber tomado ciertas decisiones, ya que toda decisión trae una consecuencia.

Ahora bien, si yo tuviera la oportunidad de dar consejos y sabiduría a mí, yo más joven, sin duda alguna, mi primer consejo sería: Atrévete sin miedo. No sabes la cantidad de oportunidades que dejaste pasar por no creer en ti misma o por temor a no poder, es mejor arriesgarse y ver que ocurre en el camino a quedarse con la duda de que hubiera pasado.

Disfruta cada momento junto a tu madre y abuela, porque cuando ya no estén las extrañarás mucho y desearás haber tenido más tiempo junto a ellas. Escucha cada una de sus palabras con más corazón y sencillez, porque sus palabras, por más fuertes o duras que te puedan sonar, siempre son desde el amor.

Ahorra más, en un futuro el tener ahorros te permitirá tomar decisiones que serán para tu beneficio y el de los tuyos, pero para ello debes tener una base y el ahorrar es la única forma de lograrlo.

Recuerda que no todos son como tú, así que observa y escucha, pero de preferencia habla menos o calla, porque muchos no son tan sinceros y honestos como tú y luego podrías quedar en medio de un conflicto, por creer que hacías un favor y no todos lo veían como tú.

Elige bien las personas de las que te rodeas, sobre todo tus amistades. Muchas veces tu círculo social será la diferencia entre el que avances, te estanques o retrocedas, y esto aplica en todos los planos.

Vive un día a la vez, recuerda que si algo tiene solución, aunque tome tiempo, se logrará con determinación y, de no tener solución para qué te preocupas, deja eso de lado y enfoca tus esfuerzos en lo que sí se puede solucionar.

No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy; procrastinar es la peor cosa que puedes hacer. Tendrás después tantos pendientes que no sabrás por dónde empezar.

Ve a la playa, al cine, a comer; si no tienes compañía, ve sola. También el aprender a estar a solas contigo misma es parte de crecer emocionalmente.

Recuerda que el mayor activo de cualquier ser humano es el tiempo, este se va y no vuelve y solo queda el sabor amargo de no haberlo aprovechado bien.

En resumen, esto serían los consejos y sabiduría que le daría a mi yo más joven si pudiera encontrarme conmigo y así cambiar algunas cosas, aunque creo firmemente que soy lo que soy actualmente por la suma de todas las experiencias vividas, fueran dulces o amargas, así termina mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #191

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Yes, one can't have enough faithful friends that you can rely on!


I learned that through my experiences and I am thankful for it.


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These are rock solid advice @actioncats.
I love what you said about fear in particular. Fear is something that cripples us.
However, there's so much value in all your points:)))


Hello beautiful, it's a pleasure to see you here for a visit, I wrote based on my experiences. Fear often stops us from doing something that paralyzes us and prevents us from taking risks, taking action and more.


Enjoy every moment with your mother and grandmother, because when they are gone you will miss them so much and wish you had more time with them.

That's true and many of us didn't understand that when we were young and later we lived in regret and guilt thinking we could have spent more time with them...

It's really important to believe in yourself whether it is present or past, that's always a piece of great advice...

Thank you for your participation, have a nice day...


My grandmother always said that tributes were given in life, that after death, it was useless and we all have to learn sooner or later to believe in ourselves.


Oh my goodness!!! This advice is very unique. Infact am going to advice my daughter based on this advice


I like to know that these lines have inspired you to give some advice to your daughter, it is an honor to know this.
