HAPPINESS comes in different ways. I mean, people find happiness in different places . What makes one man happy is different from what makes the other happy.
So the definition of happiness I think, is relative.
HAPPINESS, to me is a sense of fulfilment, that state when you have nothing else to worry about, you've got it all and your mind is at rest.
In a World filled with stress, bad news, heartaches and inequality, one might not completely be happy. However, there are needs that when filled, can make you happy.
RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: I may not be very religious but I know that I am friends with God. Each time I pray to him and he hears me, I am happy. Each time I hear God's word being explained, my appreciation for him grows and that makes me happy. When I see his miraculous work in my life, in the life of friends and family members, it makes me happy that God has chosen me to be among his named people. This is my best source of happiness.
No offense to those celibates. But having my own family makes me happy. We all come from a family. When there is love, peace and harmony, I am happy and having the confidence that the family is one I can count on in times of distress, is really happifying.
BASIC NEEDS: I haven't asked for so much if I want my day-to-day needs met. I do not need to have a-killer bank account . But when my every need has the wellwithal to satisfy it, I am happy. Kids are holidays now, giving them extra care in terms of taking them to fun places, letting them eat what they want and having the means to satisfy their needs, even if it is up to me to refuse sometimes gives me happiness.
Now school fees are increased, imagine some parents who would withdraw their children from good schools because they can not pay the new bill, such cannot make me happy.
For some time now, I write my goals and prayer requests in a book.
As they are being accomplished, I tick them off and thank God.
So, I find pleasure in seeing what I set out to do being achieved. This is one great source of happiness I have. It gives me fulfillment too.
I was pampered as a child 😅 I almost got spoilt from indulgement. So it makes me happy when people show personal interest in me. 😅 You don't have to give money. Of course I will accept if you give me, hahaha but having caring friends around, who would look at me and tell me to make some lifestyle changes because they don't like what I have become, gives me a sense of belonging. When I am going through something and no one is able to discern it😅 it gets me worried because if it were the other way round, I will discern that for my friends .😅😅😅 I am adding weight now already, no one has noticed to criticize that. Hahaha.
I have more reason to be grateful than complain.
I have God as my friend and my relationship with him makes me happy but I need more because I want to strengthen that relationship. I believe when I get closer to him, he draws nearer and blesses me more.
As for my basic needs, even when I don't have it all but I haven't been left entirely to totter. I exert myself and work to earn and support my home. I am happy that my efforts are being rewarded. Some of my needs are being met, while trusting in God to fill the others.
One basic need I have is to look for greener pastures outside my country. A better environment where my kids can grow and have the opportunity to enjoy life filled with so much comfort and less stress. If that need is filled, it will truly make me happy. I believe it will one day, but I am not depressed. I am grateful for the now.
As for receiving care, I have amazing friends who on a mutual ground,shower one another with love. They make themselves easy to love and are there for me when they can. In a busy and stress-filled World we live in, no one owes me anything . So the much God uses people to do is enough. However, when people show personal interest in me, I go out of my way to appreciate them.
Mine will, having God as my helper.
We live in an uncertain World and things don't always turn out the way we want it. However , it is my earnest desire to continue to find reasons for happiness.
Happiness they say is free. So getting so worked up with life or getting frustrated and disappointed in certain situations can bring happiness that is short-lived. But if we are open-minded and remember that the World is not a bed of roses, we will not expect too much. So when things don't go the way we want, we still maintain our joy.
What makes you happy? Do I make you happy? Hahaha.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yours, Adore.
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Wow, I found one thing really fascinating in your post.
This is the first post I have read that mentioned that having a good relationship with God can bring happiness which is true.
God is love, he is peace, love and happiness. Maintaining a good relationship with him will make our lives peaceful and calm.
With all the challenges in life, it's difficult to stay happy but we must make it our priority because there is no other other genuine way to make ourselves happy than doing it naturally.
God is everything and I put him first in all I do. It makes me happy when I see that I am walking with God on my path. That's why he can not be exempted in my happiness story. Thanks dear
Making God our topmost priority is worth it, because in Him lays everything because He created all things. Also cultivating a positive mind set helps in been happy
Thanks dear. Yes, God is my priority and then positivity in all we do is another great reservoir for happiness.
That's right