Hi family, how is everyone doing? I am glad to participate in @hivelearners contest for week 73, second edition. The challenge is:
Why do people cheat? Have you been in a situation where someone cheated you off something? It doesn't have to be just in relationships, but in other spheres of life as well. How did you get past the hurt? Please share with us
Well they have reasons for doing this but each time it happens, there is always a feeling of hurt, sadness, disappointed, betrayal or confusion. I felt all these combined the first time someone cheated on me. People are really wicked.
It happened when I finished my NYSC and moved to my older brother's house in Lagos. I began hunting for job day and night without success. One day, my brother's wife told me she discussed my predicament with a colleague who said she knows a job consultant who could help find where to manage meanwhile.
I was happy to send my CV and credentials to her through my Sister-in-law. But her colleague instructed that I took the credentials and CV to the consultant in person. I guess my interview would commence immediately. I called her to get the description and she was glad to help.
During the interview, the consultant was impressed by my performance and told me he would send me to a nice company. He was a recruitment agent.
Finally, I appeared before a company which was into vehicle security. I was to work as a marketer. The pay was manageable but the interesting thing about the job was that I was told that I would be given a Car. I guess a driver would convey other marketers and I to the places we are to find customers, who knows, maybe it's temporary or I just don't know. I was just excited that I got a job and there will be a car to make the job easy.

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I was given a date to resume. Excitedly, I couldn't wait for my sister-in-law to get back home. I called her to tell her the good news. She was so excited and happy. I called her colleague to thank her and she said I should start with that, with time, she would help out more if other opportunities come.
When my sister-in-law returned, she asked further questions as to when I would resume, the pay package and distance of the location. She couldn't believe her ears when she heard that a car would be available to make my job easy. She was very happy and promised to thank her colleague again. Before the resumption date, I kept calling the lady that connected me to the recruitment agency to still thank her. I understand what 'thanks a million' means. 😅.
I was asked to come before the actual resumption date to collect my employment letter. On that day, I woke up very early, dressed well and hurried to the office. I wanted to make a good first impression. But when I got there, the manager behaved as if he never met me before. When I asked what the problem was, he just pointed to an office that I should go see his Boss.
I got there and greeted the man who had interviewed me. The man although happy to see me, told me that he is sorry the company can not employ me anymore. Jeez! I lost a job I haven't begun! Why? I asked. All he said was that I shouldn't take it as the end of the World, that he too is unhappy about the situation but his hands are tied. 😭
I begged him to tell me what exactly went wrong, where did I fail?. All he added was that I should go and ask the lady in so and so company who actually sent me to the recruitment agency. Could she have fallen out with the agency and I am the scapegoat?

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Quickly I went to the recruitment agency to find out what happened. I couldn't hold my tears. Surprisingly, the agent knew everything. So he told me.
He asked why did I give the whole details of my employment?
He said the lady who actually sent me to him called him and asked how could he allow a fresh graduate like me with no experience to be given such a job with a car? He said the lady asked him to look for something else for me because she is bringing her relative to replace me. So the man said that the relative of that lady would take my job, while he finds me another company. I was so shocked. Like my mum would say " someone sent me to buy salt, yet she sent rain to drench me along with the salt".
My sister in law couldn't believe her ears when she heard what the lady did. She blamed herself for thanking her so much and telling her about the car. She was very angry that she told other colleagues what had happened. I learnt before long that lady resigned. She was too ashamed.
I can't remember if I have been cheated again but on that particular incident, I shed so many tears, even on the road. Hahaha. I lost interest in job hunt, I felt all employers are the same, I was really affected.

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But my family encouraged me, they told me that people see worse things, my fiance too was helpful. He told me the job was even for a while because we were getting married in less than a year and I would move to another state entirely.
I also decided to work hard on myself to improve my skills, so that if another employer is asked to kick me out, it would be tough to let me go😃 . So I got busy acquiring more skills and finally, I got another job after several months of looking, alongside upgrading myself. But like my man said, I had only put in three months before I got married and left Lagos for those who showed me that they own employers in Lagos. Hahaha.
Thanks for reading guys, this is my entry into @hivelearners contest. How about you? Have you been cheated? How did you handle it?
I appreciate you for the visit.
That's life, some people would just show resentment for other people's progress for no tangible reasons. Fresh graduates would definitely need to start from somewhere also
Thanks dear for the visit and your comment. I was really hurt but thank God it's history now.
Thank God
Hehehe... that lady was envious because you were given a car on your first day. How could she? that was cheating which was unfair of her. I got something from your story: I need to go and upgrade my skills so that I would be an hot cake. Lol
Hahahaha, that's part of why I cried. I told myself if I had experience or something better, I would not be laid off easily. So that motivated me, so it's very good to upgrade yourself, but even at that the lady was very mean. If they help us the marketers by carrying us to the far areas and make our work easy, it's not unheard of. Well, thank God now,I am not whom she wanted me to remain. I am by far better now
People can be really wicked.
Things happen, people disappoint, but we remain strong 💪
Sure we do, when we have the most power being strengthening us. Thanks dear
You're welcome 🤗
Although something like what you went through should shock me.. the sad thing is that it doesn't. I can quite believe it. I'm glad to hear that you held your head up and didn't let it stop you - that's commendable. All the best.
#dreemerforlife beemed down from #dreemport - to this #dreemer curated post :)
Thanks, many are not strong, I wasn't, as a new inexperienced graduate but it can't shock me now , not anymore. Worse things have happened to some other people. But with God, we keep getting stronger. Thanks again
This is so disheartening What if the relative isn't competent enough?
The heart of men is even.
Sorry for the disappointment
God indeed gave you beauty for ashes.
from #dreemport
I wonder. That's what she see in our country, putting incompetent people in places not meant for them. Hahaha
That was really wicked of the lady. God buttered your bread with a job along with a car but she just poured sand in your garri. Honestly, I felt so bad. So because you are a fresh graduate, does it mean that you don't deserve that golden opportunity she stole from you?
I'm just glad you got over it and developed yourself in different areas. Any other employer that will think of dismissing you, will be the one shedding tears 😭 and not you.
Exactly my Sister. We learn everyday and God allow some things to happen to mould and sharpen us for something better. God knows better how that job might turn out, hence he didn't allow me resume at all. It's a long time though, long overcame it
Wow, that lady was really horrible, at least you got something else.
Popped in from #dreemport
She appeared nice initially. She only got jealous and coveted what belonged to me. Yes thank God finally i got something else
What a terrible person!
Nevertheless, you have learnt a very important lesson from this incident and have turned it into a strength to work on yourself and your competence. I don't think the story could have ended any better :D
Came via #dreemport today:)
Thanks dear for stopping by. Such is life. When pushed to the wall, you think of how best not to find yourself in the circumstance again. God is good in all things
Learning from ones mistakes usually works best, that's all true:)
Let me go straight to this...dis komunit no dey like am if you add the prompt narashun on the atiku while writing. I'm sure dat's d reason them no pay this article. Pls take note
My Brother I no see am for dia rulo. But no yawa. Next time I go arrange myself well 😅
Alright ma✌️