Vibes web3 music competition week 12 @adrianalara❤️‍🩹 No existe dolor❤️‍🩹


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Hola, querida comunidad de @vibes Dios les bendiga de gran manera, nuevamente estoy con ustedes ya en la semana #12 con la temática dolor, y la verdad que me tome mi tiempo para aprender esta cancion tanto en la letra como en la guitarra, se que aquí hay grandes músicos y cantantes, yo apenas doy una aprendiz que aun sigo aprendiendo a tocar por mi propia cuenta

Hello, dear community of @vibes God bless you greatly, I am with you again in week #12 with the theme pain, and the truth is that I took my time to learn this song both in the lyrics and in the guitar, I know that there are great musicians and singers here, I am just giving an apprentice who is still learning to play on my own

*para esta semana les traigo este tema que lleva por titulo no exite Dolor, sabemos que el dolor es slgo que siente nuestra alma nuestro corazón, y hay muchas razones, puede ser por amor, o una partida de un familiar, tambien esta el dolor físicamente, una caida , un golpe, un dolor de cabezas wow muchas razones para sentir dolor
pero me encontre esta cancion con una letra poderosa , No exite dolor, que Dios no pueda sanar , el esta alli, a nuestro lado consolando nuestro corazón y para sanarnos solo tenemos que creer en el, y dejar que el haga en nosotros, y se lleve todo lo que nos causa dolor , asi que aquí les comparto este cover y espero les guste bendiciones *

For this week I bring you this topic that is titled there is no Pain, we know that pain is the only thing that our soul feels in our heart, and there are many reasons, it could be for love, or a departure from a family member, there is also physical pain. , a fall, a blow, a headache wow many reasons to feel pain
but I found this song with powerful lyrics, There is no pain, that God cannot heal, he is there, at our side comforting our hearts and to heal ourselves we just have to believe in him, and let him do it in us, and take everything that causes us pain, so here I share this cover and I hope you like it, blessings

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Hey @adrianalara you have a lovely voice, keep sharing your music with us :)


Co-founder and judge at Vibes


Muchas gracias amiga, me alegra que hayas pasado por aquí, con gusto seguiré compartiendo música para ustedes Dios les bendiga mucho 😊


Beautiful voice and tone. I really love your vibrato too and your emotion when you sing specific words. Excited to hear more from you!


Muchas gracias amiga, me alegra leer este maravilloso halago, Dios le bendiga mucho
