Vibes music competition wed 3 semana#13 ( Adrianalara ) Quebrantame


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Saludos queridos amigos de esta comunidad de @Vibes , la paz de Dios sea con todos ustedes, nuevamente me presento en por aqui, ya en su semana #13 me gusta mucho la música, a pesar que nunca e asistido a una escuela de canto , ni a un curso de instrumentos, estoy aquí por la misericordia de Dios que me ha dado esa retención de aprender acerca de la música, mas que una competencia es mi espacio para aprovechar y hablar de Cristo aquel que dio su vida en la Cruz para darnos salvación

Greetings dear friends of this community of @Vibes, the peace of God be with you all, I appear here again, now in its 13th week I really like music, even though I have never attended a singing school, not even an instrument course, I am here by the mercy of God who has given me the desire to learn about music, more than a competition it is my space to take advantage and talk about Christ, the one who gave his life on the Cross to give us salvation

En esta oportunidad quiero compartir este hermoso tema titulado Quebrantame Canción de Averly Morillo, a veces nos creemos que nos la sabemos todas , y que no vamos a necesitar de nadie, pero es alli donde entra Dios en nuetras vida y alli es donde comienza a mordearnos a quebrantar nuestro corazón, y que podamos entender que sin el no podemos, la verdad me gusto mucho la letra de ewta canción y quiero compartir con ustedes

On this occasion I want to share this beautiful song titled Quebrantame Song by Averly Morillo, sometimes we believe that we know it all, and that we are not going to need anyone, but that is where God enters our lives and that is where he begins to bite us to break our hearts, and that we can understand that without him we cannot, the truth is I really liked the lyrics of this song and I want to share with you

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Wow, excellent presentation 👏👏
