Art and Creativity: How Shows "Force" New Ideas


So the title of this post might not be entirely accurate, as perhaps a better way of describing it would be to say that art shows and events push artists and creatives to dust off their "prototypes" and ideas and fast track them into reality!


For example, next weekend's show has served as impetus for getting this "Chakra Stones" idea off my notebook and into reality.

Looking towards the weekend, I was trying to figure out how we could bring something new, as that's what so many people always ask about. Well, the idea isn't exactly new, but finally executing it is.

Truth be known, I have lots of "old" ideas I haven't done anything with... but they would be new to the greater world.


The idea of using driftwood as not only displays, but also as for-sale items people can use to show off their art is also not new, but something we have been batting around for several years but not acted on.

Now just seems like the right time to do so!

I moan and groan a lot about how much work it is to do outside events, but truth is that I really do enjoy them. And it is a great way to shake out the creative cobwebs and test out new ideas. Let's hope they work out well!

Feel free to leave a comment, if you feel so inspired... engagement is part of what makes Hive such a cool venue!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

2023.09.05 AS-TXT-170/138


Que bellas me parece un gran trabajo con una combinación de colores que me fascinó.


toda una obra de arte y creatividad espero tengas mucho exito en tu evento es una forma de promocionar tu linda labor saludos.
