Cleaning and Organizing my Creative Space for a New Year!


I spent rather a lot of time today clearing up my creative space.

It's one of those things I probably ought to do more frequently than I do, since it often has been true that by the time I finally get around to looking at stuff one thing has piled up on top of another... probably for a couple of years.


That's usually when what I call "the black hole clock" starts ticking... and keeps ticking, as I waste a bunch of time looking for things, rather than working with them.

I'm pretty sure I actually hadn't tidied the space and looked at all the various things accumulated there for probably close to three years in this particular instance, or since whenever it was that I got a new work lamp and changed things around a bit. I think that was 3 years. The start of Covid lockdowns, as I recall...

In some strange and slightly surreal way going through everything is a bit like an archaeological dig through old ideas and creative attempts during those three years.


In some ways it's slightly alarming to see just how many things I start and don't actually end up finishing because they just sit there, forever at the "idea stage," but they never get executed.

Which reminds me of something I recently read which is that most people are far better at planning than they are at executing their ideas. I think this is something that probably afflicts creative people more than others.

Anyway, I was prompted to do a major cleanup by the fact that I started unpacking everything from this year's shows. As we were finishing that up, we decided that we needed to start some new processes for 2024 in order to be a little bit more streamlined in the way we do things, and thus not have to spend as much time organizing our travel bins between shows.


I also had a nagging memory that somewhere under all the piles of started — but unfinished — ideas and designs were also lists of things from previous shows that I had put there because they would be new experiments I wanted to try. And, indeed, I found those lists and realized that there are a lot of things I've thought about but haven't never gotten started!

Sometimes inspiration even comes from our pasts!

As I think ahead to the next year, I also realized that among the many things I was hoping to get started on was a more regular blogging routine, and perhaps getting a little more serious about putting more of my inventory out on @hivelist.

As the old saying goes "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions!"


Anyway, the long and the short of it is that my creative workspace is now a lot tidier than it was before, and I can even find a bunch of the colors I knew I had... but seemed to have gone AWOL for at least a year or so!

I have never been an obsessive stickler for tidiness in my work, but there gets to be a point at which you waste more time looking for stuff than you do actually creating and that is definitely a clear sign that you should be doing something with your mess!

In a way, I am secretly pleased that I got this done already before Christmas, rather than during the early weeks of January when I should be making ready for Valentine's Day Events.

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

2023.12.21 AS-TXT-187/155


I dare you to do the hivelist store..

No shit I'll buy it. 3 hive. Let me know.

Totally have one myself and I need to set it up. Would totally love a friend that knows how to do that besides @thelogicaldude who lost likely has a tutorial for it.

Excellent work. And I invite you to the free compliments community. You got a lot of wisdom and we would love to have you.

Thank you for your wisdom.. and beautiful work on those rocks.

You deserve success.


And since I can't use my points to ask for a boost or to promote you. I just sent you 1,000 ecency points over.

Really hope you have an amazing day and I hope those points can further support your work.


Of course it took two days for me to finally send you those points but now you got a thousand points.


I appreciate it!

Getting the Hivelist store up and running is part of the 2024 plan. I got started, but I wanted to learn what I was doing... and then came holiday show season, and things got back burnered.


Chase down @thelogicaldude the creator...

He has a great system in this and is doing great at this. As well as an online trading academy.
