The 100-Day Project 2.0 — Day 7: But Is it HELPING?


So, I am doing The 100-Day Project Challenge again; my second attempt at this creativity "habit building" exercise. You can read more at the above link; or just choose "a creative thing" to pursue for 100 consecutive days... and then use #the100dayproject as one of your first three tags so others on Hive and other social media can find you!

Today is Day 7.


But is it Working?

So, I'm a week into the challenge, and it's probably a little early to ponder the question of whether or not this endeavor is "working."

But then I can't help but think about whether or not — upon completing Day 100, assuming I get that far — the overall thing will have made any difference. And what "difference" am I really hoping for, here?

Ultimately, I just want to sell more art. I enjoy creating art, but I don't enjoy just collecting a huge pile of finished items to be stored. Sure, we enjoy really good sales when we do events, but this is the Digital Age and that's what I am really hoping to capitalize on, here. I mean, we go to events, and during a successful event we might sell 100+ stones in a weekend! I'd take selling two stones a week online — 100 stones a year.

Yet that seems an eternally elusive aspiration. And that's why I keep doing things like this challenge.


Today's Creative Endeavor:

Not feeling particularly creative today, and I had lots of "other things" to take care of, as well, leaving me rather short on time.

In the end, I decided to get started on a smallish Solar Plexus Chakra Stone and I actually managed to finish it in a single sitting... and it's only 1:00 am!

In truth, it went easier than expected, and I am quite happy with this little stone.

Today's painting effort... sorry the color is a bit off, I don't like photos under artificial light, but at past midnight you don't have much choice.

Minding the Store(s):

Noticed that the visitor traffic to the Etsy store remains very strong, although it has not resulted in any sales, as of yet.

Once again, ended up reformatting my shop categories — after looking at the stock in our show bins, and decided to do away with old categories for "experimental" and "clearance of old designs," instead deciding that these will be moved to eBay permanently. This leaves me with two category slots unused, which I will have to mindfully choose what to most effectively do with.

Social Media Musings:

A bit limited on the social media today, but did manage to get a post out on the Facebook page, and a "picture tweet" out on X.

Funny that we are now supposed to be calling it "X" instead of twitter... but are we still tweeting?


Final Thoughts for Today:

One of the things that is manifesting — and which was also very clear when I did last year's challenge — is the extent to which my creative energy ebbs and flows in cycles.

Do humans have a cyclical experience of life? A few million women would definitely insist that we do, but are those physical cycles the only once human bodies are subject to? I don't know.

I do know that my creative spark seems to be waning at the moment... not that I am prepared to let that lead me to failing at this challenge!

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art & creativity!

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