BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Although he almost managed to take advantage of the STAMPEDE battle rule, he still achieved victory with the TRAMPLE ability.


On this occasion it is a rule of battle that if the conditions are achieved for its potential to be truly taken advantage of.




Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.

Prime use case for Summoner Possibilus the Wise.

My Battle


In this battle we only have the STAMPEDE battle rule, which allows that if a card with a melee attack with the TRAMPLE ability kills a card it can make another attack but if it manages to eliminate another card, You can attack again as many times as you eliminate cards, so under certain conditions the entire enemy lineup can be eliminated.

We also have that we can only use 34 energy and we can also use all colors except white.

My Team


This summoner will be essential for victory, adding 2 life to all cards will extend their life.

The TRAMPLE ability will give all my cards the ability of an extra attack if it eliminates a card and I could also take advantage of the STAMPEDE battle rule, if it manages to eliminate a card in that second attack of the trample and so on.

The REACH skill will allow me to place my melee attack offensive force on the second line, being protected by a tank that will receive the attacks and can resist due to some skill that allows it to live longer.

Giant Alpine Skink

This will be my main tank with a great attack potential with its 4 melee attack and with its 2 shield and 7 health that will be increased by the summoner to 9, it will allow him to resist, if we add to that his ability to SHIELD, which halves melee or ranged attacks, gives it great potential for resistance and protection.


This will be my main offensive card as it has the DOUBLE ATTACK ability, it has the potential to take advantage of the TRAMPLE ability and perhaps the STAMPEDE battle rule. Its attack power of 3 is very important and its life of 6 will increase to 8 and its 2 shield gives it a lot of resistance.


This card can help me so that if the enemy attacks with cards with the OPPORTUNITY ability, it allows me to increase all the abilities of the adjacent cards upon death, making them more lethal and dangerous.


This card has a great attack of 3 that will allow me to eliminate my enemy's weakest cards, dismantling their lineup faster since it has the OPPORTUNITY ability.


This card will only have the function of attracting the first attacks of cards with OPPORTUNITY, and the attacks in the rear of cards with SNEAK.


This card will also be in charge of protecting cards with SNEAK AND OPPORTUNITY, when receiving the first attacks, protecting my main alignment, in addition to having a shield, it will resist even more blows.



In round 1 my enemy begins a first attack with his Gobalano Soldier before starting the round thanks to his AMBUSH ability, attacking my HARDY STONEFISH, taking away his shield.
Then attack and eliminate my TORRENT FIEND by attacking him with his Torch Vizier.

Then my enemy manages to eliminate my HARDY STONEFISH by attacking him with his URAEUS and is eliminated by his Tenyii Striker.

Finally my enemy attacks my Giant Alpine Skink with his Ferexian Hero that takes away his shield and attacks with his Tusk the Wide doing only 1 damage, leaving him at 8 health.

I manage to attack his Tusk the Wide with my COASTAL SENTRY with its double attack, my Giant Alpine Skink and my VENARI MARKSRAT leaving him at 2 life.

Additionally, my DEEPLURKER attacks and eliminates his Gobalano Soldier,before it can attack again, allowing a second attack on his URAEUS, removing his shield.

RONDA 2 and 3

My enemy begins by attacking my VENARI MARKSRAT with his Torch Vizier, leaving him at 2 life.

Then he attacks his Tusk the Wide and I eliminate him with my COASTAL SENTRY that activates the trample ability and that's why he attacks his Ferexian Hero, 2 times since the second would be the I attack with his ability to attack twice, leaving him at 5 life, then I attack with my Giant Alpine Skink leaving him at 1 life so my VENARI MARKSRAT attacks him and eliminates him.

My DEEPLURKER eliminates my enemy's URAEUS, so TRAMPLE's ability is activated, thus attacking his Tenyii Striker, leaving him at 4 life.

My enemy attacks my Giant Alpine Skink with his Ferexian Hero but only deals 2 damage, thanks to the SHIELD ability.

His Tenyii Striker attacks my DEEPLURKER and leaves him at 6 life.

In the third and last round my enemy only had two cards left and managed to attack my Giant Alpine Skink with these, leaving him at 2 life since thanks to his SHIELD ability, he managed to prevent half of it. of the damage.

I attack his Torch Vizier, and eliminate him with my COASTAL SENTRY, activating the TRAMPLE ability in his second attack, allowing him to make a third attack, which I perform on his Tenyii Striker who remains at 1 life and is finally eliminated after this attack, by my DEEPLURKER.


On this occasion I managed to obtain victory thanks to my summoner's TRAMPLE skill, which allowed me to make extra attacks that allowed me to quickly eliminate my enemy.

In addition, the REACH ability, allowed my second tank COASTAL SENTRY and an important part of the offensive forces of my lineup due to its DOUBLE ATTACK ability, to attack from the second line, My front line tank, my Giant Alpine Skink, being on the first line allowed me with its SHIELD ability to resist my enemy's attacks so as not to expose my COASTAL SENTRY , also contributing his great attack of 4, thus also contributing to massacring my enemy's lineup.

In addition to the 2 life that my used summoner gave him, which extended the life of my cards.
