Splinterlands Social Media Challenge dual summoners, key to my victory in the battle with a high restriction.
Every day playing the different and new summoners one of the ones that are interesting to use and even more so when there is more restriction on the cards used as in the LITTLE LEAGLE battle rule, since sometimes that gives the option of using fewer cards and yes You can use more tastings that can be the difference between victory and defeat.

FIVE ALIVE: On this occasion this battle rule restricts you to being able to use a maximum of 5 cards, whatever the maximum amount is to be able to summon cards.
If we add the LITTLE LEAGLE battle rule that only allows you to use cards with 4 or less energy, this means that on this occasion we are quite restricted in the cards used.
We also have the restriction of only using magic cards, this means that the number of cards available to form the lineup is quite restricted.
We have that the maximum amount of energy we can use is 41 but we only need a maximum of 20 energy so we have excess energy that we will not use.
We can use all colors except white.
My Team

This summoner allows me to summon black and blue cards, which will be an advantage since due to all the restrictions we have, each color gives us few cards available and only using a dual summoner allows us to summon more cards, being essential for victory.

This card is the one with the most life so it will resist the most, plus the STUN ability, which will prevent the enemy from attacking me for a turn.

This card is in second place to prevent the other cards from being eliminated, which will increase their life as they attack. Additionally, the CLEANSE ability can eliminate any negative condition that the enemy places.

This card with the LIFE LEECH ability means that by dealing damage to the enemy's cards it will increase its life, which will give it more resistance so that it receives damage before being eliminated, thus being able to harm the enemy and being able to eliminate it.

This card also has the LIFE LEECH ability that increases its life as it deals damage, and like the previous card it will allow you to resist more if it reaches the first line.

This card has the SCAVENGER ability that will increase its life as my enemy's cards and mine die, so in the end if it is left alone it will have enough life to resist, possibly allowing it to finish eliminating my enemy.
In round 1 I attack her REVEALER with all my cards and eliminate her.
Only my VENARI BONESMITH attacks his VENARI SPELLSMITH and leaves him at 2 health.
My enemy attacks my REVEALER with all his cards and is eliminated.
Only his VENARI BONESMITH attacks my RIVER NYMPH and leaves it at 1 life since the summoner reduces all my cards by -1 life.
In round 2 I attack and eliminate his VENARI SPELLSMITH before he attacks with my MUSA SALINE.
I attack his VENARI BONESMITH with my LIFE SAPPER and my VENARI BONESMITH and leave him at 3 life.
In round 3 I attack and eliminate his VENARI BONESMITH with all my cards before he attacks.
My enemy attacks my VENARI BONESMITH with his LIFE SAPPER and leaves him the same at 3 life since his life is increased by the LIFE LEECH skill.
In the fourth and fifth round I attack his LIFE SAPPER with all my cards and thus eliminate him without him managing to eliminate my VENARI BONESMITH.
La clave de esta batalla es el invocador ZEDDICA que me permite invocar cartas azules y negras que dada a las grandes restricciones me permite invocar 5 cartas mientras que mi enemigo solo 4 y esto es vital ya que me permite hacer mas daño a mi enemigo y tener mas cartas que debe eliminar mi enemigo.
Además mi VENARI BONESMITH y LIFE SAPPER con su habilidad de LIFE LEECH de esa manera aumentaran su vida para que así sean mas difícil de eliminar y además mi MUSA SALINE con su habilidad de SCAVENGER aumentara su vida al morir las cartas de mi enemigo y las mías enfrentando mi enemigo a una carta con mucha vida.
Esto me dio chance para eliminar a mi enemigo.
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