Holozing Fanart: Female Light Healer

Hey there, everybody. I hope this post finds you well. Following the Forest Healer's Fan Art, I thought I'd give drawing the Light Healer a shot as well and try out some new stuff.

One of the ideas I applied in this piece was the glow on the corners. It looks as if the drawing has been framed and works as a double for an interesting background since she's the Light Healer.

I also tried an alternate look for her (the pink-ish) hair. I kept the yellow highlights as they were in her original and to my surprise it worked well with the pink hair, so I kept them.

What do you think about these alt-style looks of Holozing Healers and monsters? If it's something that you'd prefer to see from time to time, I could dive deeper into making some original characters while keeping themes and references to the game itself. Let me know in the comments below. Looking forward to reading your thoughts and opinions on this matter... until next time, cheers~~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

