Holozing Fanart: Male Light Healer


Hey there, people. I hope you're having a wonderful day. Today, we've had something that has never happened before occur and that is... THE MALE HEALER JUST DROPPED. Well, I might have done one or two before, but I think it was about time to go back for fresh air :D

I felt like it was time for a change of pace and style, so I opted for drawing something new. And considering how I'd been focusing on female characters, it seemed like the best decision to make. Also, now that I think back, a good portion of techniques and styles I'd been using for female characters don't really work well or apply to male characters, so I think that's a field I need to get better in.

And this is it for today's fan art. I hope you enjoyed the new style and combinations. As always, I'm eagerly awaiting your thoughts and opinions on this piece in the comments down below. I'll see you in the next one... cheers~~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

