Holozing Fanart: Miu Miu

Hello there, everybody. I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday so far. I'm here to share another Holozing fan art with you all, and this time, we have Miu Miu over - partly humanized.
I say "partly", because I did keep her cat ears, so she'd still resemble her monster form for similarity purposes.
The original art inspired her overall color palette - the black clothes and green eyes. I even gave her a hairstyle that resembled Miu Miu's fur style for similarity :D

Catgirls are popular among anime fans, that's why I decided to go with the cat ears on her. The ears are for show, (since she has got her own human pair), but it was a nice addition in my opinion because cat ears, along with a few other animal traits, look cute on humans. I did mention "humanizing" and I'm trying my best to stick to 100% humanization hahaha

Anyway, that's it for today's art. As always you can find a step-by-step breakdown of the process below. Feel free to tell me about your thoughts on this piece and also who you'd want to see humanized (or even "monsterized" in Healers' cases) next.
I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts and until the next fan art, cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

