Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 253 - Wood Nymph


Hey there, folks. I's a-me again. Today, I'm adding my entry to the Splinterlands Art Contest and for this week, I've switched back to drawing some Splinterlands chicks. So, let's get right into it :>

The Sketch

More Shading

I think this work was also hugely carried by shadows and glows.
The glows on her hair and skin were something new to me and a fun experiment.

Also, despite having worked with shadows before, I think the shadows in this work in particular were of a more extreme nature and were more definitive. The pics before and after this portrays the differences pretty good and I think you can see what I'm talking about comparing the two.

The Result

Again, I think I'm doing a lot better with backgrounds and it's become so much more satisfying to me to finish up my work with decent-ish backgrounds.

Original Card Art
