Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 320 - Janni Rebel
Hey all. How's it going? As always, another Friday has passed, so it's time to submit my fan art to the Splinterlands Art Contest.
Following my last piece's pattern (the one for the Holozing). I decided to shift back the focus to adding details to character features such as eyes, hair and accessories (goes without saying that the background also received some of this attention). I also experimented drawing her facial tattoos which was a new experience and quite fun too.
This it for this week's submission. Let men know your thoughts about it in the comments down below, and I'll be seeing you in next week's contest... cheers~~
The Process
The Result
Original Game Art
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Debo admitir que el fondo y los ojos me encantaron, asimismo las luces que la rodean 👏
I must admit I loved the background and the eyes, as well as the lights around her 👏
Thank you for your encouraging words, friend. Much appreciated 😄
Gracias por tus palabras de aliento, amiga. Te lo agradezco mucho 😄
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria