My Entry For Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest -Round 363
Hello everyone, have a good day đ
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We do not get electricity everytime in Myanmar. Most of the time there is a power outage. These photos are also taken at night because there is a power outage, so I went to the dining room with the lamp on my mobile phone to get light. At night, there is a power cut, so I use the light of my mobile phone. When I placed the mobile phone light on the dining table, the mobile phone light fell on the iron seat and I saw the shadow of the iron seat on the floor, so I took a photo. The holes drilled in the iron seat look good on the floor.
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The photo below is my entry photo for this week's SMASh Contest Round 363
SMASh Contest Round 363 áĄáá˝ááş ááťá˝ááşááąáŹáşáá˛áˇááźááŻááşáá˝á˛áááş ááŹááşááŻáśááᯠáĄáąáŹááşáážáŹ ááąáŹáşááźááŹá¸ááŤáááşá
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It must be so inconvenience to be without electricity. I am so glad that you captured these wonderful Shadows with your phone flashlight
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Excellent photos!