Contest | Alpha Starter Creature Evolutions

Hello Holozing Community Community

Hello friends

come back with me on this occasion I will participate again in this beloved community where on this occasion I will take a moment, namely a contest held by this beloved community which I understand directly via the @holozong account where the latest news is always displayed on this account, therefore I invite all my beloved friends to this community, don't forget to follow and continue to collect what's new in this community.

On this occasion I will make the Evolution of Alpha Beginner Creatures which is currently trending in this community and I will try to paint as best as possible and I will provide several tutorials so that all my friends can follow the steps that I did and I hope that my friends everyone can understand all my explanations

The first step I will take is a grass raccoon where he is very instrumental and very powerful in fighting his enemies where this art is very beautiful with his very long and large tail being able to paralyze all his enemies.

The ingredients I use

  • Picture books
  • Pencil
  • Color pencil

How to make it

The first one I drew first because this version is a little prettier than the previous one. In fact, this version looks like a dashing grass raccoon which plays a very important role in fighting the enemy

I took the pink color first and I will color it like the picture I shared. I hope all of you are careful so that the current grass raccoon really looks beautiful.

then I took a green pencil to color the tail and colored the top of the head. We have to be careful and careful about the color because what we are making is a dashing grass raccoon and of course the color will be very influential.

then we take black color to color the hands and feet too. Pay close attention so that the feet and hands are perfect

then we take a dark green color to color it perfectly tail and knees and arms

then we will take brown color to color the edges of the face and be careful so that the body shape is perfect

then we will take an orange wooden pencil and we will color the body that we haven't colored yet

After I worked hard to shape the body which really made a beautiful grass raccoon and after that I colored carefully slowly but surely. Then I saw that the final details were very good. Here are some pictures of the final result

These are some of the pictures I can share and I, as a participant in the community, of course to all my friends who love this community, also participate to fulfill and enliven all the creatures in this loving community, see you in the next post.


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


Hey @aries12, your posts on the Holozing community can also earn $LEO tokens and Ad Revenue, all you have to do is publish them from InLeo! 😃

Hey @aries12, tus publicaciones en la comunidad Holozing tambien pueden generar $LEO y recompensas por anuncios, lo único que debes hacer es publicarlos desde InLeo! 😃


Gladly, sir, but I have tried it before a few months ago, but I have difficulty entering, can you send me the method


Try again now, the interface is so much better than a few months ago :D

Let me know if you encounter any issues!


Hi @anomadsoul

I have tried safely, thank you, in the future I will try to post via this Web, I wish you a nice day, congratulations sir


That is awesome! If you encounter any issues or need help just let me know fren
