Eid Ghadeer Celebrations
As I told you, I would soon post photos of Eid Ghadeer, another wonderful celebration in my culture and faith. Before the month of Moharram begins, we enjoy Eid ghadeer, a day that the entire city celebrates.
This is the day when Imam Ali's (a.s) Wilayat is declared on the ghadeer day around 1400 years ago, which is a joyous occasion for every momin.
On this day, people wear new clothes, donate to the poor, prepare the best food items, celebrate by singing Manqabat and performing poetry, and distribute juices to the people to share their joy and happiness.
On this significant day, we, as members of Fatimiya Centre, organized a celebration or Jashan day, which included a Manqabat program to which many individuals and special visitors were invited.
This is the day when manaqbat khuwan sings exceptional manqabats and shares their loves with the famous personality Imam Ali. The presentation began at 5 p.m. and continued till 8 p.m. evening.
It was incredibly enjoyable to listen to 12 singers sing exquisite manqabat while also spreading joy in their speeches. There were approximately 200 people that attended this event, which made it difficult for us to manage.
We prepared a special Beef Biryani for the visitors and participants to be served at the end of the program. Finally, a cake was cut and cold drinks were handed to the guests.
At the completion of the program, on behalf of FIC, we distribute EIDI (cash) to the centre's students to motivate and assist them financially.
It was a wonderful and stressful day for us. After three hours, the program comes to a close. We served each guest a special biryani and said goodbye.
I shared several images with you at this occasion, and I hope you enjoy them.
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