Letter to The first Born


Good day to my Hive family, its been a minute since i posted here, i had to jump on this contest posted by @hive-naija, its the season of love and i have someone so special i wanted to dedicate this post to. My lovely elder sis Mrs Grace Adimefe.

Dear big sis,
This letter is a reminder of how amazing you are. Growing up, my friends always thought I was obsessed with you. When you came home from school, I left all my friends just to spend time with you; they didn't understand why.Our parents were physically present but not always emotionally present for us; they thought that as long as they provided for you, we were okay in all aspects. But you were there for us anytime; we had to nickname you “deputy mom."

My best friend and confidant, the most reliable person I know, I remember the first time I had a crush on a guy and it wasn't reciprocated. I called you and cried.
You comforted me and reassured me.

Or is it time you sacrificed your new phone for me because I wont stop crying over mine that went missing?

I have so much fond memories of you, and i can’t wait to create more with you

I know that you feel lost and weighed down. I know you feel like you have to always be independent and strong for us. You carry so much burden and are always ready to drop all your personal issues just to cater for us.I apologize that your childhood was spent taking care of us and always being on the defensive because of us.

You did a great job with us; you taught us all we know; you can see and be proud of us; you did a good job, Gracy; and the kids you nurtured are grown. You can now rest and let us look after you.

So heres a reminder that you got an entire force behind you at anytime

  1. We will always be your shield, you can rely on us.

  2. We will always have your interest at heart

  3. We will always make you smile

  4. We are so proud of you

  5. We will always be your friends

  6. When youre sick, you can count on us to nurture you back to health

  7. We will always come to your rescue, name the place and time

  8. Youre loved and respected by us.

  9. You can call to vent to us, we will always listen

No matter what happens in life or where you go, never let anyone make you feel unloved because you are loved so much at home.

I know it's unfair that you took so much hit and be mature when you should have just been a child, because you wanted to take care of us. It's also unfair that our parents relied on you to be a grownup at a tender age just because you’re the first child. I know there are days you cry yourself to sleep because the burden was too much.

You now have a support system, and we will do all we can to be there for you.

My omalicha, daddy’s Ada, tomato jos, sweet sister ever, my mum’s pride and joy, Deputy mum, strongest woman I know, Apple of her husbands eye.
Youre a blessing to us all.

We love you sis, thanks for all you do for us.

                                         Yours sincerly 
               Your baby sis that loves you more than food,lol.

Thanks for reading.


You almost had me in tears. I mean, everyone good person needs a lovely and loving sister like yours. I hope you shared this with her. I bet she'd love it. And, who nose 🐽? You could give her the encouragement she needs in these times with this.


Thank you so much, would definitely send it to her


Oh wow. She is definitely beautiful and reading how much she has come to be there for you just makes her beauty shine from inside-out.

This is a beautiful share. Thank you.


Thanks for reading, she’s indeed an amazing person, I’m just so glad I got an opportunity to brag about her


Lol the tears were flowing until I got to this last line and I had to laugh😂😂

Yours sincerly
Your baby sis that loves you more than food,lol.

I felt every word that you said, I think because everything here screams my elder sister. Firstborns are amazing, more like they were specially created, I thank God that I am not a firstborn only God knows what I would have done😂😂

Your sister is so beautiful, and I checked your introduction post, you are so beautiful too🥰🥰🥰


😂😂 I swear thank goodness I’m not a first born, I probably would have run mad, first horns are special beings, it’s how selfless and motherly they are to everyone except themselves. Thanks for your compliment, I went through yours too, you’re very beautiful too


Lol me too, I think God looked into the future and knew instantly that we were gonna suck at it😂😂😂

I went through yours too, you’re very beautiful too

Thank you baby🤗🤗🤗


Awee🥰❤❤ this is so sweet to read, I hope she gets to read this. May God always crown her efforts for all is doing I'm your life. !LUV


Big sisters are Blessing from above
God bless them Amen


Aww this is so beautiful, firstborns or should I say daughter always have enough love to give.
Your bug sister sounds amazing and I'm sure she's luck to have you as well.
I hope you shared this with her🥺


Yeah she’s amazing, I won’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her and God
I shared it with her and even the comments I got here and she was in tears
