Just for me and my family

When I saw this topic, I smiled because it's just something that I always talk about "My dream house." maybe someday it will not be just a dream. It will come to reality only if I don't give up.

While growing up, I always love it when I see a cute bungalow, I don't like it when a house is too big for some reason.

I remember one day we were out in the ministry we came across a portable bungalow that was painted two beautiful colors I love so much which are gray and white, I said to my partner "Wow this is beautiful and exactly what I want for myself and my family", my partner said she loves it when a house is a big mansion with many rooms, and when there enough packing space in the compound.

That's not for her but for me. I only love it when it is a portable bungalow with at least 3 bedrooms and all in a suite then a standard kitchen and store room.

The outside will be surrounded by beautiful flowers and little coconut trees in the middle of the compound.

More reasons why I love a bungalow.

The house I mentioned above was very spacious, and that's the number one reason. Secondly, I don't need to walk through any stairs to access my rooms, my family will just be together, just a call, and the person will be in the parlor.

The kitchen will be so airy and have all the needed appliances to make cooking very easy.

Another reason why I love a cute bungalow is that one day I will grow old and then I will not have the strength to go too far to do something, a bungalow makes life easier.

Recently, my friend's little baby fell from the staircase of their mansion and was rushed to the hospital, if that house was a bungalow, that baby would not get hurt.

You can have as many rooms as you want on a bungalow, but personally, I will just have four rooms and a parlor, all rooms will be in a suite with two large windows to allow cross-ventilation.

The color of my dream house.

Because rain and sun will affect the exterior paint of my bungalow, I would love to choose a color that would not easily fade, I will use golden yellow for the exterior while I use my favorite color which is gray and white for the sitting room, then I will use beige color for the rooms, the kitchen will have beautiful gray tiles on the wall.

Finally, I will get light blue furniture for the sitting room,
then, the dining will have a Golden set of dining tables and chairs.
My beautiful bungalow that is simple and cute is ready in my imagination, its a dream now but with more hard work it will become reality in the future.

Note Images are mine
