I love to dance. Week 198

I wanted to title my publication, because it really is what I felt when I read the question, it is also the only answer that has occurred to me. I am not a professional dancer of those who practice this art from a very young age. No, I just get carried away by the music and I love to dance at parties, with or without a partner.
The first time I danced with a partner I was only 12 years old and since then it is a practice that frees me, during my adolescence I loved to attend parties where we just went to dance, when I reached the age to be part of the corps de ballet to accompany the quinceañera in her 15 years waltz I also participated with all my friends and they in mine.
People usually go to parties to dance, to drink or both. I remember in my youth I went to parties and I liked to have a fixed dance partner, which is something that happens a lot in the villages, because we all know each other and sometimes we have rapport with certain people (but only in the dance), we also go to the same place because it is the only place to go rumba. Well the thing is that I spent hours dancing and I forgot that I had left the drink on the table, when I rested I took a drink and continued dancing. There were weekends that I woke up on Sunday with a lot of pain in my legs. As the saying goes: "It doesn't sting with pleasure".
My mom always told me that she never had a boyfriend who didn't dance and it was because he went to a party to dance. In the same way I never had a boyfriend who didn't, no matter how much I liked the man if he didn't know how to dance, for me it wasn't good because it bored me not being able to go out dancing. When I met my husband that's what we did the first three times we went out together. After that he kissed me, and ready at that point I said, this is it 😍😂😂. We don't go out dancing as much as we used to, but when we do we enjoy it to the fullest, the last time was in December and we did it until 3am.
Nowadays I even dance alone at home, I try to teach my kids to dance so they don't come to a party and see others dancing or take their partners out for others to dance (it usually happens). My 14 year old son has already learned, now he just needs to practice, my daughter seems to have two left feet. But she still has time, she's only 11.
The last time I danced was on January 15 celebrating teacher's day with my coworkers. That day we were only women but we danced a lot, we didn't take pictures but a friend took a video and I took this capture, it's not the best quality but it's the proof that it happened 😂. This day I didn't even have a drink because I was in medical treatment, but the truth is that I didn't need to because I wanted to have a good time and the company was so nice that it was an excellent day. So it is not necessary that a person has to drink alcohol to have a good time.

Cheerful spirits usually dance and prance 🤣.
I like it too, but I don't even dance at home anymore, I feel too exhausted.
The boyfriend I loved the most, didn't dance or drink, but he took me to celebrate with my college friends and went looking for me.
Keep dancing and don't stop.
It's exactly why I tell my kids to learn to dance and why I've never been with someone who didn't.
Every time I have the opportunity I dance I don't mind dancing alone anymore 😂😂😂