Dodged a bullet



“Babe! Is this wedding gown not perfect?” Hani squealed in excitement as she turned around, flaunting the wedding gown that was chosen for her by the shop dresser.

“Hmm, I think it makes you look fat, here try this one.” Rob suggested, stretching forth a size 0 short flared white gown.

“Babe, I don't think I would fit into this, it's too small. I mean, I'm a size 8.”

“Then you need to work on your body size so you can fit into this dress.” Rob fired at Hani defensively.

“Babe, how thin can I get before the wedding to fit into this dress? Is it even healthy to go thinner than this?” Hani questioned as she waved her hands from head to bottom.

“Complains Hani, that's all you know how to do. We are getting this dress, and you are going to fit into it.” Rob commanded.

In a teary voice, Hani pleaded, “but babe, I will never fit into this dress before the wedding”.

"Never say never my love, you are forgetting your fiancé is a weight loss coach, we'd get you trimmed in no time, then you can be perfect for this beautiful dress.”

“Sir, if I may, I don't think there's a problem with the first dress she tried on. It's also beautiful.” The shop dresser spoke in Hani's defense.

“Excuse me? At what point does your job include intruding in personal affairs? Do you want me to report you to your manager?” Rob thundered.

“I'm sorry Sir, I'll wrap the beautiful dress for you immediately
.” The shop dresser pleaded as he made a move to package the gown in Rob's hand.

“Splendid! You see honey, even the shop dresser agrees with me.” Rob said out loud in excitement.

“Hmmmmmm”, Hani took in a deep breath and exhaled heavily.

On getting home, Rob designed a strict diet plan for Hani in which she has to go 20 hours without food and feed only on fat-burning edibles. He made sure to clear all the snacks in the house and restricted Hani from all forms of Junks and fast food.

As much as Hani was determined to please her beloved, a few weeks later, she was always seeing double and battling with consistent hunger pangs.

On one particular day at work, she had such a rough time coping with the hunger pangs that she had to close earlier than usual. She got home, and met a messy house with a dinning table filled with all kinds of junk and fast food.

She had the urge to pounce on the food, but something was not right. For starters, her fiancé does not consume junks and will never purchase it.

Next, she heard some noise from the bedroom and immediately rushed to see what's going on but on getting there, the door was locked.

Hani immediately became furious and started banging on the door, calling on Rob to come open up. At first, she didn't get any response and was almost giving up to go sit on the couch and preserve the little energy she had left. But immediately she turned to leave, the door knob sounded, and her fiancé came out shirtless.

“Hani! You are home early, why didn't you say you will be closing early? I would have taken my client to the gym”. Rob said hastily, wearing his shirt and grabbing Hani by the hand to the sitting room.

“Why is the house messed up? Who is eating all these junk?” Hani interrogated as she forcefully freed her hand from Rob's grip, giving him a stern look.

“Honey, I just told you that I have a client at home. She's a bit of an eater, and I'm only using these junk to test her strong dedication to my diet plan she's been on. If you don't believe me, you can come say hello.” Before Hani could say a word, Rob dragged her by the hand to their room door.

Hani did not resist as she was expecting a one-on-one confrontation with whoever was in their room with Rob, but she was in for a shocker when she met a fat lady working out on her stomach.

The lady paused on her workout and waved happily at her. Hani felt a bit relieved, seeing how fat the lady is, she's sure that Rob would never be intimate with her.

Having convinced herself that all is well, she waved back at the lady, flashing a smile.

“Now do you believe me?” Rob questioned shutting the door as he walked to the dinning table to clear off all the junk food.

“I'm sorry babe, I should have called to let you know I'll be home early.” Hani apologized.

Later that evening, Hani tried making it up to Rob by spicing things up in the bedroom, but then Rob was turned off by how skinny Hani had gotten.

He would rather not be intimate with her and to sway her off, he asked her to go try the wedding dress first because that's the only way he would be sure she's thin enough and find her attractive.

As Hani was battling with the wedding dress because it wasn't zipping all the way up, Rob stood up to the sitting room. Before Rob left, he told Hani to be more focused on fitting into the dress, since the wedding was few weeks away.

Hani felt like a failure, she felt really frustrated and all the urge for intimacy died.

The following day, Hani was feeling very insecure about all that had happened, and she was doing everything to be in Rob's good book.

At lunchtime, she decided to visit Rob at the gym so they could go for lunch together but on getting there, she saw Rob and the lady from the previous day entering into the Lady's car.

Hani's suspicions grew, so she waited for them to drive off and followed them without being spotted. She followed them to the lady's house and saw Rob go in with the Lady. Not wanting to ruin her chances of finding out what is really going on, she drove off.

That night, Hani pretended with Rob as if all is well but as she laid by his side, she kept thinking and wishing her suspicions and fear were wrong.

The following morning, she did not go to work as she went straight to the lady's house.

Rob had to do some final runs for the wedding so Hani used that opportunity to do some investigation.

She arrived at the lady's house and the lady was excited to see her thinking Rob must have sent her.

"Hi you are Rob's cleaning lady right?" The lady questioned in excitement.

"I'm sorry, I'm his fiancée and we need to talk", Hani responded handing over their wedding invite to the lady.

The lady felt really embarrassed and heart broken as she invited Hani in and told her everything she needed to know.

"Now I see why Rob always felt embarrassed by me, he likes slim women"

"Hmph, Rob is a selfish man and you shouldn't feel sad or insecure about how he treats you." Hani responded trying to console the lady.

Both women had a heart to heart conversation and then settled for a plan to teach Rob a lesson. Later on, Hani went back home to prepare for her wedding with Rob.

A day to the wedding, Rob requested to see Hani fit into her wedding dress but she declined assuring Rob the dress fits perfectly and that it's bad luck to see the bride on her dress before the wedding.

Reluctantly, Rob decided to trust Hani and wait till the wedding day to see Hani in her wedding dress.

On the wedding day, everywhere was set and Rob stood at the alter, waiting for his beloved. Instead of a petite bride in a fitted size 0 wedding dress, he saw his plus size gym client on the same wedding dress design but a bigger size.

Walking her down the aisle was Hani and the whole ceremony went into Chaos as Rob got the embarrassment of his life.


I'm suspicious about Rob and the lady from the gym. Would there be a 2nd part, @bipolar95?

Looking into the story, Hani is desperate to be married. Because why aren't you comfortable in your own skin? Didn't Rob meet you that way and liked you? Why does he want you to become lean all of a sudden?
All of these questions would run through my mind right at the bridal shop. It now looked like Rob was doing her a favour 😤


Had to check again to see I posted the incomplete part 😅. Kindly read again, it has been rectified.


When a low self esteemed woman meets a Narcissistic man that is the outcome lol


Glad they gave him what he deserved. He even described Hani as his cleaning lady... you can imagine 🤦


😂🤣😂 God save us from such men 🙏🏿


Rob is a toxic and selfish man. The two women were saved from this narcissist. And to think there are many such men in reality. Good story. Regards


Yeah, and not many women get lucky to teach them a lesson. Thank you for reading me 🙏🏿


Hmmm, you got me hooked from start to finish, great story. Hehe, he got served.


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Nice job, @bipolar95. I really enjoyed the way you wrapped this up. I was stewing through parts of the story, but the end was worth waiting for.
