The betrayal


Back then in Uni I had this friend, we were not just friends, we were more like sisters.

She follows me home on weekends. Despite my mom not liking her and warned me severally against our friendship, I refused to cut her off.

Let us call her Erica. You know, Erica is a girl who dreams big and want to live life on the fast lane.

She practically sourced for luxury and the good life in the scariest of places, but she was my closest friend and why I do not approve of her lifestyle, I chose not to judge her, not to indulge, and still be best of pals. But then, something changed all that.

It was her birthday week and her sugar daddy promised to celebrate it in his lounge by the weekend. I didn't have much school work, so I was home for the week and since the lounge was in the same area about an hour drive from my house, I thought let me just join them from home.

Image is mine

By Thursday afternoon, she called me to confirm the birthday would still hold on Friday night and hope I would make it.

I asked her who and who is coming because I am really not a people's person.

I'm more of a get-together with people that I know than party with random people, and my friend knew this.

“Oh not much people, just Silvia, Treasure, my uncle, Nancy, and my sister,” she responded.

Treasure and Silvia were our roommate, and we were also friends.

“What is Nancy coming to do? I mean, she's not your friend. I thought you said it's a gathering of friends?” I questioned because I was confused.

Furthermore, I had nothing against Nancy, but then she was Treasure's course mate, not even her friend. Not only that, but I became uneasy with the setting, and I didn't even know why.

“Yeah, I said that it was a small gathering, but Nancy was in the room when we were talking about the party, so she asked if she could come. I could not say no.” Erica spoke in her defense.

“Hmm ok,” I responded, a bit uneasy but ok.

“So where are we meeting? What's the address?” I inquired.

“We would be coming to town soon, already made reservations in a hotel close to the lounge, I'll call you once I get there so you can start coming.”

“Ok, see you soon then,” I responded and she ended the call.

By Friday, I got ready and parked for school as after the party, we were supposed to return to school the following day.

My father already gave me transportation and back to school allowance. I should have left earlier for school but was stalling because of the party.

I got set and waited for Erica to call. She finally did by 7pm, and I told my mom I'd be leaving for Erica's party and would go to school from there. She said ok and then warned, “be careful and stay safe.”

I got to Erica's hotel room, but I wasn't ready for what I saw. I met my roommates, Nancy, and then her neighbor Blessing from back home.

Immediately I saw Blessing my countenance changed, I became uptight and just sat at a corner pressing my phone while they all did their makeup.

"How are we going to the party?” I asked Erica.

“Oh, my baby's friend (Mr. Francis) arranged a car for us, they would be here any moment now to pick us.” She responded in excitement.

While I thought we were waiting for our ride, I noticed Erica became tensed as it seemed it was not just the ride we were waiting for.

In fact, the ride was set to come pick us up, but then we were waiting for something else.

At this point, I couldn't even ask her anything again. The most annoying thing is that, they seem to all be in the know except me and this made me feel really awkward, like a fish out of water.

Blessing kept making calls, prancing around and yelling, “where are you guys? I told you people 7pm, why are you not here yet? Do you realize we are running late because of you people?”

At Erica's end of the call, Mr. Francis kept calling if the said people have not arrived yet, as her Sugar daddy was already calling to know our movement.

I noticed some kind of pressure from the call and this made her tensed some more. The AC was on, the room was chilly, but Erica was sweating, and her makeup started breaking from the sweat.

She just kept asking Mr. Francis to exercise some patience, that the people would be here soon.

“Why don't we just go to the party, and asked the girls to come meet us there.” Treasure suggested.

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea instead of us waiting here.” Silvia supported.

In my head, I started having crisis like what girls again?

So, Erica asked Blessing to direct the girls to the Lounge and then told Mr. Francis to come pick us up that we were ready.

As we were about going out to wait, Blessing informed us that the girls were here, and she went to bring them to the room.

I saw these girls, eh? And I was so angry, was it what they were wearing like strippers? Or was it how some of them had poor hygiene and were stinking up the whole place? Or was it that my friend lied and it wasn't a gathering of friends but an actual party with random people? Well, that was only half of it.

As we made our exit to wait for our ride, Blessing's sister who walked in the hotel and assisted with the reservations joined us.

My anger knew no bound and when we got to the lounge, I didn't sit with them. I saw an empty booth and sat there alone.

While I was there the party was on and then some random men would come sit with me, hoping to have a conversation. But the way my face was squeezed scared them off.

But then there were the stubborn goats, who were not threatened by my squeezed face. They still came to ask if I will follow them for the night or if they could get my number or at least a dance.

The harassment became too much, so I went to join my friends at their booth. As we were there, Erica's sister and Uncle came in. We got to the highlight of the party and boy! Did we party?

My anger melted, and we all had a good time. It was almost midnight and Erica's sister left with her uncle. We were still taking pictures when suddenly I noticed Erica, Silvia, and Treasure started doing some sneaky movement.

They were all whispering to each other and right before my eyes, they started sharing these random girls who came with us to some men in the lounge.

My brain first did not process what was going on until the end of the party, and I was the only one without a man.

I wasn't bothered, but I started looking for Erica to arrange a cab for me to go back to the hotel where she got ready, but Erica was nowhere to be found.

It was past 1am and everyone was getting into their car with their girls to leave.

As I was standing outside the lounge thinking of what to do because I cannot call my father to come pick me up.

Firstly, I will have to explain what I'm still doing in town by that time in a lounge when to him, I was already in school.

I could not face my father's wrath, so I decided to take my chances with whatever the night brings, but I still hoped Erica would show up or at least whatever arrangements she made for me would come through.

Imagine my shocker when I saw Erica with her sugar daddy driving out in a convoy. I was even calling her to ask her how do I get back to the hotel? But she practically ignored me.

I was thinking of my next move when Blessing's sister came to join me and was asking, so how do we leave here? Because she was on night duty and couldn't afford to follow the man, they shared her to home.

As we were both brainstorming, doing two heads are better than one, Treasure came through for us as she asked the man she was with to first take us to our hotel before they proceed to his hotel.

By morning when they all got back, Erica had it hot with the other girls, as some of them didn't give Erica her cut as promised.

Apparently, Erica's birthday party was an avenue for her to pimp girls to wealthy men, it was all planned out but she kept me in the dark as she knew if she had informed me, I won't have attended.

That act of her's ended our friendship.


Erica didn't do well at all, maybe she has a second motive for leaving you guys at the party.


Hmmm! the fact that she even lie about the people she is going to invite for the gathering is bad she should have told you the exact people,

And she even ignore you when you get there? and even left u out is so bad of her when she knows that you are really not a people's person

I think you should follow your mom instructions and stop being friends with someone like that,I hope you get to the hotel safely.


I did take my mom's advice and ended the friendship. Happened about 8years ago 🙂
