A picture is worth a thousand words. / The fire-spitting man.



Photo taken by @wakeupkitty

✔️Describe what you see: A man spitting fire in an open country setting.
✔️What I feel: It takes practice to get to do that, I think he is quite an artist, and I can imagine the time he has invested to achieve success.

The fire-spitting man

The circus has arrived in town, a caravan of wagons with colorful posters announcing the different presentations such as: trapeze artists, magic acts, contortionists, clowns, fire-spitting and other attractions. The inhabitants of the small town, who had nothing to spend their time with, watched the arrival of the circus with great enthusiasm.

They quickly erected the tent since they had a large number of men, plus some of the people they hired, and announced the first show for 6:00 in the evening. Early in the morning the people of the town began to crowd together waiting to buy tickets for the show, many of them were going for the fire-spitting man because it seemed a risky act, besides so many circuses that had visited the town, this was a different act.

We know that in small towns news travels, nothing is hidden, for they discovered the fire-spitting man practicing before the show. They noticed that he had a liquid in his mouth, he brought a little closer three giant matches that were lit, when he blew hard he expelled the liquid in his mouth and the flame flared up, it seemed that he was spitting fire.

The fire-spitting man realized that there were people watching his practice, he asked them to come closer to explain what the act consisted of and to give some recommendations among which he told them that children should not do it because he considered it dangerous, he also emphasized that the act has risks.

The presentation of the circus was a success, especially the expected attraction of the fire-spitting man, receiving much applause and admiration from the public.


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A great story incorporating the circus shows with the fire spitting man being a part of it.
He's very wise to have warned the children against the dangers of practicing such an art.


One of the better attrations instead of lions jumping through fire rings
