Like Working From Home Has Changed Everything in Business, Such Will Happen To Housing


Things are massively changing. Things that were taken for granted as the way things just are, are suddenly disappearing.

Everyone believed going to the office was just normal. That it was just life. It was the 9 to 5.

And then came the suburban housing developments. Everyone with a little house and a little yard, with a picket fence. And most people thought this was normal, the best they can do. The American dream ("because you have to be asleep to believe it")

But something went wrong. Well, it was wrong from the beginning.


Today malls are pretty much empty. In fact, many expensively decorated malls are now govern-cement offices.

Tomorrow those great big commercial buildings will attempt to be turned into apartments/condos.

The next day it will become apparent that suburbs were one of the worst things we ever put money and time into.

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The biggest problem with suburbs is there is no place to grow food.
Even still, everyone should tear up the lawn, and plant a garden.


The human needs grounding. This happens easily when they are growing their own food. Getting your hands in the soil, eating the vegetables that grew in your soil. It rarely happens at all when living in a suburban house. It doesn't happen when you live/work in a multi-story high-rise.

When the "hippies" say you need to go put your hands in the earth, they really are just saying a fact of life.

It is also important to grow food in the magnetic space where you live. The food grown, for you, by you, near you is the most nutritious for you. It is not simply about calories, there are many things that support your life, that are almost missing from our factory foods.

So, it will be discovered / rediscovered that what the human body needs is nutrition. Not so much calories.

And we will find that it was a great conspiracy to get people off the land. To get people away from their gardens. And hopefully, "We don't get fooled again ♬"

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To grow healthy boys, you need them in a place where they can run, tumble, explore. Cooped up in a house with a tiny back yard is not a healthy growing environment for boys. And don't get me started on what is missing for raising healthy girls.

If we are going to grow children, our neighborhood needs to be designed around raising them. Govern-cement schools are aberrations that should be destroyed. They do not teach or educate. They destroy minds, especially the mind of boys. We must learn what growing children need and provide that.

People do not grow well in stagnant, unchanging environments. They also do not grow well in environments that do not have any stability.

When a child is born into a community, that child needs to be provided a space. To be included. And this means they must be allowed to change the space. They must be allowed to leave their mark on the world. Our current suburbs and "ownership" denies this. The normal child would grow up, and then get a house of their own. Usually they would inherit their family's house. But today, we live so long, that it is the grandchildren who may inherit the house. But, the children, and their children were pushed out, so what connection is there for them?

Further, the young adults should be starting a family of their own, however, in real estate, they must OUTBID everyone who has come before them. What a horrible thing to say, to do, to the young adults. And what are you to do? There is no space. The suburb used up all the space. Every single inch. Nothing left for the next generation.

We must plan, and enact these plans to allow for space for the next generation.

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And so, we will find ourselves abandoning suburbs like we have abandoned the malls. Like we are abandoning going to the office.

We will migrate to form communities with like minded people.
We will do this for many reasons

  • Food
  • Safety
  • Growing healthy people
  • Mutual help /support
  • Manufacturing (yes, a family business, but not a small thing like we may think of today)
  • Because we can

Suburbs will be abandoned. Like, literally, a huge swath of urban blight ghost town. And good riddance, we have destroyed our lives/minds for too long.

Along with this goes all the big box stores. All the grocery stores. All the fast food restaurants. Everything you drive to get to today. Watch the closures in Komifornia. Gov Nuisance is just accelerating things there. These changes are coming to everywhere.

Keep an ear out for your tribe.

And make peace with abandoning your suburban house. It is not an asset, and will quickly become dead weight.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


It is kind of funny how suburban houses became more and more cookie cutter and people soaked them up. Now with more and more internet options in rural areas it could make less and less sense to go that route but again I go back to the women situation. One thing I notice here in Indiana is a lot of women are still single despite going to Universities that have 40,000 students. No one was good enough or they were on a woke journey or whatever so then they move to Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville which are all on the North side of Indianapolis. They will pay out the ass for those apartments in that area and a lot of guys feel like they have to gravitate down there if they want to be close enough to women. You have to fish where the fish are.
So then it's like guys are down there spending out the ass just to be where there are other people. The whole premise of going out and building a homestead or setting up roots in these 1 and 2 horse towns is nearly suicidal even if you are the Apex Predator.

You will like this trailer. Suburban hell.


Yep, yep and yep.

However, most couples "met online"

In the future, well, starting now, people will move to form communities with people of like mind.

And, soon, the smart women will be looking to get out of the cities, as it falls apart.

All those women, failing to get the MRS degree. So sad. If only they would have avoided F'inism.


Yeah it's kind of crazy and we do somewhat have some of those homesteader communities and Amish and Mennonite communities but I think the general population has a hard time dating in a social circle at this point even in a larger one. We kind of see this in high school how people will get really weirded out and be scared that if things don't work out it will be awkward in the hall way or in class. Well I even saw this in college. There were mainly two training rooms and I felt like athletes commonly didn't date each other because the women deep down were worried it would be awkward in the training room. The obvious thing would be that those people would date but it was rare. I used to train at the University of Arizona and I saw the exact same thing there. At the YMCA there is coed volleyball and I see the exact same thing there as well. I never was able to make any real inroads on any of the women there. They all just act real awkward and even when you have advanced game they will be looking at you all side eyed like the Dogecoin Dog. Then for the next 4 years they are always single acting awkward.

People actually don't realize how much alcohol plays a part in Amish kids getting together. During rumspringa they will have these blow out barn parties and will get with a chick and bang her and next thing you know there is a shotgun wedding and dude is growing a beard and has to give up the keys to his Camero and has to hide his cell phone from there on out.


Keep up the good work. 👏🎵

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