The Danger of Holding Onto Boat Anchors In A Storm
We are going through some tumultuous times. Or are we just on the edges of a storm about to turn into a hurricane.
Actually, comparing this to a storm is improper. For some people this will be the event of their life. What they have been waiting for. The changes are finally starting to happen. For other people, they will lose everything. The will lose everything by trying to stay in the old energy. Do things in the old way.
A big and easy example is storing your wealth in The US Dollars or Bitcoin.
We, here in this crypto space, know that bitcoin (or some decentralized crypto) is going to be the new money, and that the dollar is crashing to zero, just as all other fiat before it has.
If you bet on bitcoin, you are going to have a bumpy ride, soon your bitcoin is going to swing from being able to buy only a Lambo to easily paying for a mansion, and back again.
So, all those people who are being safe, keeping their money in the banks, are going to lose everything.
Those who are being risky and betting on bitcoin are going to be the new wealthy.
Are you holding onto a life-raft, or a boat anchor?
Real Estate Is Always Valuable… Not
Real Estate is built on so many lies. But, for all of our lives, they have mostly been true.
- Real estate always has value
- Real estate always goes up
- Your home is your biggest asset
- It is always better to be a home owner (as opposed to rent)
None of these are true, except when you have a debt based fiat money system which continues to lower the requirements and interest on mortgages. Which is what we have seen for all of our lives. Some really old people might remember a different time, but i bet not but a handful could tell you why/what changed.
Real estate always has value? Well, just look at the many ghost towns that are all over.
Places that used to be valuable, but since the factory moved, or whatever, the town barely, or doesn't exist any more. All kinds of abandoned house all over the place.
Your home is your biggest liability. Something to always shovel money and time into to keep the roof over your head. So many people feel rich because their house has a high price tag. But that price tag is virtual. It doesn't really exist. It is only a number in people's minds. It only becomes real for those who sell their home. If everyone decides to sell their home at the same time, then that number goes way down.
All of this is true. Most people sorta know this. But the vast majority want to hold onto the belief that they have lots of money locked up in their homes.
The Coming Everything-Popping of the Real Estate Bubble
Many people recognize that real estate is in a bubble, but few recognize that it is going to pop from hundreds of needles and there won't be anything left of the suburban housing market.
I mean, people need to stop looking at their house as an asset, and look at it in terms of how much is it going to cost me to continue staying here. (Compare that to how much it will cost you to stay somewhere else)
If you can believe these words i am laying down (and i, myself, have a hard time giving up the myths and legends that have been real estate all of my life) you would make drastic changes in your life. And i must say that many on this platform have. Moved out of the cities and built themselves a homestead.
- Boomers will be moving out of their houses into care facilities or mortuary plots. ¼ of houses empty.
- All causes mortality is still rising. I believe the VAXXX will continue to claim people. +¼ more houses empty.
- Fiery, but still reported as peaceful protests, come to all blue cities and some others. Everyone who can leave, does.
- Big businesses lay off even more people. No reason to stay near a city.
- Work from home continues to be demanded by employees. No reason to stay near a city.
- Heating costs continue to go up, and that makes living in a cheap suburban house too expensive
So, many suburban houses will be empty. And even if Blackrock says they own them all, people who are left are just going to move in. As things get harder, many people are going to ignore "the law" and just move into, what for all intents is, an abandoned house.
There is no value left in suburban homes. It is just a matter of time.
The Rise of Bitcoin
On the other hand, with fiat around the world crashing. And banksters stealing people's money through bail-ins and other shenanigans (like, you happen to be driving with some truckers in Canada). People will more and more cotton on to crypto currency.
Bitcoin is getting more support as a currency. More things are being sold for crypto. With the lightning network, people are tipping people in satoshis. The actual adoption looks like it is coming.
And the halving is near.
Everything is lining up for bitcoin to have an explosive bull run.
Anything that sounds plausible as a bitcoin target price is probably way, way low of what bitcoin will hit this run.
- People getting hit by inflation, looking for somewhere safe
- People getting hit by wars, looking for somewhere safe
- People getting hit by banksters closing their accounts, looking for somewhere safe
All of this is on top of the people who always pile on for greed.
Everything bad that is going to be happening in the world is good for bitcoin price.
The price may go up so high, so fast, that no one is willing to sell bitcoin for fiat.
Does this mean, sell the house and go all in on bitcoin? Maybe, but i wouldn't recommend it. You still need a place to sleep.
However, honestly assessing your real estate is in order.
And having some of your saving in bitcoin (crypto) is very important.
The problem with real estate is that by the time most people realize the prices are falling, it is too late to sell. And, it might already be too late to sell at the top.
You may want to do a financial analysis with your house value set to zero, and see where that leaves you. It may change your outlook a lot. And pondering on it now may help when you have to make a choice to abandon the boat anchor and swim for safety.
You probably do not need to have much bitcoin to be quite wealthy in the future. Bitcoin, evenly distributed to everyone gives a person 0.003 bitcoin. Today, you can almost get that much bitcoin by clicking on a faucet. Getting even a ⅒th of a bitcoin will probably put you on easy street for retirement. Just be sure to get some bitcoin today.
Many things are going to be of this mental paradigm. The stuff that we used to rely on, what we thought was the bedrock of our lives, are going to turn into boat anchors in this coming storm.
And things that have been speculation in the past, but have always had great potential are going to be the life raft. The thing that will carry you safely into the new era.
We must continue evaluate these things in our lives. Keeping old assumptions may get you very hurt.
The real estate market around here is one of the hottest markets in the country. For most houses there are multiple buyers and listings have disclaimers by the seller they get to pick what offer they want. I don't know who would sell their house without having secured another place in advance, otherwise you'd be out there renting for a thousand to two thousand a month. Never thought I see the day.
Yep, a few of those places still exist.
If you are in one of those places, SELL!
take your money and move to small town and rent for next to nothing.
For the rest of the world, the warning lights are flashing. We have past the top and will be in freefall here soon.
I hardly doubt it. Who is going to give up extra income from renting the other side of a duplex to move to a small city to rent cheap. There's no jobs, or very few jobs in small cities, cost a small fortune to drive back and forth to a job, not to mention if you like to shop at a variety of places to get good prices.