This Is A Weird Race
Bitcoin went up, earlier then expected. Now it has gone down a little bit, and people are already thinking the bull market is over. While others think that the bull market hasn't really started yet.
And what about alt-season?
In housing, people are noticing that inventory is back up, and qualified buyers have disappeared. While noticing evictions and foreclosures are on the rise. And so, they are watching builders freak out and sell their houses at really cut rates. However, there are still people saying that the housing market is still going up, and you better buy a house soon, cause prices are only going to get higher.
And Zillow is being indecisive.
I feel we ain't seen nothin yet. So, hold onto your hats, boys and girls.

Bitcoin go up
It may have just been a bump in crypto prices brought about by the ETFs being launched. And, we haven't even started the bull market yet. Or, it could be the old market indicators have no relevance now that institutional money has entered the market.
Trump has said that this is going to be Yuge!
He has said that America will have a strategic crypto reserve.
It doesn't really matter what Trump does, it is the market sentiment. If people feel that govern-cements are going to be buying bitcoin, then they will be buying bitcoin first. (or so they think, big players have already been buying)
The old charts/patterns predict a $250,000 bitcoin. And, if things all stayed the same, this would be a good number. However, there is a large, a growing probability that bitcoin is going to become priceless this year.
We have seen huge rises in price from retail investors FOMOing into the market. What happens if institutional money starts FOMOing into the market? What we start seeing is $1000 a day moves. And then $10,000 a day moves. The market goes over a million dollars per bitcoin. Then the liquidity of people selling bitcoin dries up, or those willing to accept dollars goes away.
The ETFs won't be able to keep up. Circuit breakers will get tripped. People will try to move directly into bitcoin, driving the market even higher.
All of this could happen this year.

Real Estate Go Down
Although there are lots of people who would like a house, they can't afford it. They can't get financed for it.
So, actual, ready to buy house shoppers are getting REALLY RARE.
Investment firms are already trying to sell inventory. They are finding that they can't rent for the sky high rates they thought they could get, and they are seeing the market is reversing, so they are trying to offload non-performing assets.
Builders are offering deep discounts to get people into their newly built homes. The numbers of people who have broken their contracts to buy the homes is skyrocketing. (yes, lots of people are losing their deposits. Multiple thousands of dollars being dropped because the people can't afford the house for the finished price)
Foreclosures are up, and rumors are that banks are hiring all the accountants they can, to process the upcoming foreclosure tidal wave.
House prices are set to drop. Probably a lot this year.

People Selling Everything To Get Bitcoin
One of the things about FOMO, is, if the price keeps going up, there will be people selling anything of value to buy bitcoin.
And this is what i expect to see later this year. Cars, trucks, jet skis, all manners of toys will be offered up in exchange for bitcoin. On top of this, we will see vacation homes, pieces of land, and of course inherited properties put up for trade for bitcoin.
I am expecting that old-time bitcoin holders will be shocked at how much property they can get for their bitcoin.
This may be a 100x purchasing power of bitcoin vs real estate. And, although when i type this number i feel that this is just ludicrous, all the patterns say i may be low-balling this.
However, i do not recommend investing in real estate. Real estate is going to continue going down, and bitcoin is going to continue going up.
BUT! I feel this will be a great opportunity to acquire the place you want to live. If the four year cycle holds, if you don't trade bitcoin for a house before the end of this year, i feel you will have to wait four years before this good of a deal comes around again.

So, keep your eyes open for properties that will make a good place for you to live, grow food and thrive in the upcoming tumultuous times.
Trading your crypto for a homestead will probably be the best decision, even if it doesn't make financial sense. Because, of two things. One, good homestead sites will be going quickest. And two, the price of food will be going up and up and up. The sooner you can provide much of your own food, the better.
I really don't know how close we are to the bank closure events. Where people cannot access their money, except in tiny amounts. (this will make crypto really jump in price) And i do not know how close we are to the BIG stock market crash.
Wall Street is going to zero compared to bitcoin. It is just a matter of how fast, and that effects how insane our lives get.