What If Everything You Consider An Asset Is Worthless?



Imagine your car. Most people consider their car an asset. Even though it just sucks up money and gasoline, it takes you places, like work, and that is important.

But, what if gasoline just stopped flowing? How valuable is your car? There are all kinds of ways this could happen like unCivil war blockades of goods. Or, Gov Nuissance actually banning all ICE cars. Or a nationwide banOil with thousands of kids gluing their hands to the road. However, these are all pretty unlikely and things would return to normal soon after.

BUT! What if someone built flying cars? And China stopped sending tires to America? Or, the roads continue to decay, and people need a 4x4 to drive across town. These things are already happening. And they truly destroy the value of your car. Like, your car just becomes a giant paperweight.

What if so many of the things we consider assets today are like that? They become simply worthless, or worse, you have to pay for someone to get rid of it.

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Social inSecurity

Everyone who is not almost retirement age doesn't believe that Social inSecurity will be around when they get to old age.

Without a huge change in the way we finance this and/or a huge die off of only elderly, Social inSecurity is toast.

Yes, you have been paying into it all your life. But, all you have been paying for is your "grandfather" to have a retirement. 20% of what you actually make is sucked into this system. And that would only be enough if 5 people were working for every 1 person retired. But, this number is wishful thinking. And getting worse as boomers are retiring (the largest generation) and younger generations have never gotten good jobs / careers.

We just can't afford all those retirees. So, Social inSecurity will break down. And if you were counting on it for retirement, you are SOL.

I do believe we are going to work out something else, but you can say goodbye to all that money that got taken from you.

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The Stock Market

You don't own any stocks. You own a promise, on a promise, on a promise to get a stock at a certain price.

Cede and Company owns all the stock that is traded.
Many of the ultra-wealthy have preferred stock, in their name, but they aren't trading that. It is not for sale.

At some point, it is going to become apparent that there is more stock traded that what exists to be traded. And not a little bit as the NYSE keeps telling us. At that point trading just stops. And then comes the horrifying news. You don't own any stock.

At first the banksters are going to try to say that it is all owned by Cede and company, who says they will work with Black Rock. And then anger, and the torches and pitchforks… Then they will say that they are working on making everyone whole.

But, like Bear Stearns in 2008, there are going to be a lot of haircuts going around. And it may be a decade before it is finally concluded who owns what.

Of course, stocks are going to be converted to NFTs shortly after this, but your portfolio will not be what it was.

And, 50 years from now, none of the corporations exist.

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Your House Is Not An Asset

And soon, it won't be worth anything.

In blue cities, there will be two houses on the market for each person looking/able to buy a house. And, shortly thereafter there will be two houses for each family unit in the city. At that point, there is no value to any houses.

People will be leaving! Leaving blue cities for better opportunities. Leaving for care facilities (boomers own 25% of the houses) Leaving for mortuary plots…

Further, landlords will be driven out because of insurance rates skyrocketing and rent controls keeping them from raising rents high enough to cover costs. And also, they will be unable to remove tenants. Basically, these houses become untenable, and then unsellable.

So, you may think that you own a house, and so, have quite a big asset you could pull from. However, the 2008 housing crash was nothing. This time, values are going to go down, and keep going down. And, maybe past zero, as you have to pay to extricate yourself from the place.

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Fiat Currency Is Going To Zero

It is no secret that The US dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power since 1913. But, only slightly less known is that The US dollar has lost 99.9% of its purchasing power vs bitcoin in only a decade.

Fiat currencies are all on their way to zero. However, the banks have plans to swap out the old money for new money, all they have to do is start WW III so you don't notice… but that is failing, so maybe CBDCs? But people are wise to that. So, maybe XRP??

Basically, The US dollar is going to be worthless here soon. But, for a short time, actual dollar bills will be the best thing to have. Cash will be king.

But, if you have all your money in the bank, it will no longer be there. The bank might not be there either.

Remember, that IS NOT your money in the bank. It is the bank's money. You gave it to them to do whatever the please with it. And you will only get it back if they please.

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Basically, everything that we consider an asset today is going to not be in the near future.

Stocks, missing.
Bonds, restructured.
Money in the bank, it never was.
Houses, worthless.
Cars, what? Are you stuck on horses and buggies?

Things that will be valuable:

  • good Cryptos (the rest die here shortly), especially bitcoin
  • Food! Start growing your own food. It will be VERY valuable as many people starve.
  • Silver. The future needs of silver make it of strategic importance
  • Homestead!
  • Friends. Good friends that have your back are a must
  • Real World Skills. Can you make things work? Because Wallymart is going to be barren.

You may want to consider your future as if Wall Street got nuked from orbit, drowned by a huge tsunami, after being burnt to the ground by angry mobs. And that is understating what will happen.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
