Full Speech by @detlev at the BuzzParty 2024 in Hamburg, Germany!


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Welcome to part 1 of a series featuring 7 speeches by our fellow Hive members at the BuzzParty 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. Today, we have @detlev, who will be sharing insights about #beersaturday and discussing Hive in general.

We're uploading the speeches in a different order than they were delivered at the event, as I (@tibfox) am editing them in a completely random sequence. Please note that many of the Q&A segments had to be removed due to a missing microphone for the audience, resulting in poor sound quality for those parts.


If you want to read the transcription then here you go:

Hello everybody! Oh, detlev is out! I like to start this with something very special because... Tibox, could you please come here? Come on! This gentleman made something happen in a lot of work he spent in there and I think this needs a special applause. Buddy! I know how much work this is, so a big thank you from my side. And as you look to your watch, I said, well, until next food we don't have much time. I tried to squeeze my talk a little bit together to be on time on some food and so on because I was building here something where I like to educate a few more people who are not yet on hive. So let's have a double check. Who is not yet on hive here? Please raise your hand. This is exactly why we could speed up a little bit because I have some information in here which might be known from each of you. But even if they are not known, they will be later on in my post. You can download the PDF and play with it and use it for your own talks or whatever. There might be some people here who don't know Detlev at all. I was starting with the other name of the blockchain many years ago and was very happy that Hive started in that way. Hive started. I was sitting in that moment in front of my PC and will never forget that situation where someone stopped the stealing of our community into something else. So that was a great moment. I will talk a few about the things I do and why I do it because I like to give you the idea to do similar things for your own, for the topics you love, for other stuff you love. And I will be happy to discuss this later on today with you because we like to save some time here. I build stuff on hive. You know, maybe the beer token, you can tip beer to others. This is a project of mine and the beer Saturday is something I will explain a little bit. So, built on hive is the big thing because, you know, it's decentral, it's yours. Nobody can really take it away. You need some downloads if you do some travel stuff. So, the other day I had a shower some years ago and I had one yesterday as well. And one in the morning, but this is a different story. So, this shower was unique because I was standing under the shower and we're thinking what can I do on that blockchain stuff? What is not that year there and where people like to engage with and what might be a little bit different? And I ended up with a topic of beer because the third most drunken liquid on earth, you have beer without alcohol for Tibfox you have beer with other tastes, you have beer in any... So, I said, well, might be a topic where enough people like to say something and I moved this to hive and this was around 355 weeks ago. It means since 300... Thank you. And you were asking what you have to do to maintain something on hive with a little bit of time. The most important thing I learned is do it, do it. If it looks horrible, still do it and keep on doing it. So, after a while, it gets bigger from... Yeah, from themselves and as everything is developing over the time, there might be new opportunities where you don't know from whenever you started the whole baby. And this happened to me. As I started, there was nothing like a community. There was nothing like a own token you can create. So, I started with the whole thing and then there was an ability to create a token. If I don't create a beer token, somebody else might do. It was easy. Okay, then we had community. So, we started with a beer community. We are now with two and a half thousand people or something like this who are doing this since a while and this brings people together. And even this evening, I like to have a picture from every one of you with this sign posting it on the blockchain because over the time, while doing it, I got a lot of feedback from people. You are stupid. You're doing this since how many weeks? Years. And people understand that doing it all the time will help to get more visibility. And I don't do it for me because the idea here was if I have the motivation to tell people they should write about beer with some simple rules and you said quality content, I don't want to have the drunken faces in front of a bottle of beer. This is no quality content, at least for most of the people. But having simple rules that you have at least three pictures or more or have at least 200 words or more to get a reward extra from the community voting on your post or from the sponsors you get to your community voting on that post because you had 20 pictures and a long story and then you get something extra because you spent your time on it. This is something where the whole thing starts getting more and more. And this is what we did and it worked in that way. So some other information where I like to go a little bit quick through it is what is Hive? What is Web3? You can read it later on. I made it quite simple. And the most important thing, we are fast in what we are doing. We have a short block time. And I lately did a report for a different other project where we worked as consultants to see what other blockchains are around in what quality and how is our little not known blockchain in all these things. So if you look into all these projects with Solana, with other things and so on, Hive seems to be small. But whenever you look behind the technology we are having and compare this, we are a leader. So the damn thing we have to do is get this baby more known. So spread the word to other people of what we are having. Your case with Monero is a good example. This has a huge audience because it's not trackable and blah, blah, blah. You all know. And doing something like this with Hive, with bringing it to schools and other things, is something we should focus on the next few years. And there are projects where I try to be involved, where I try to help. And there are things we like to do with people who are gaming with simulations of cars. A fucking huge industry behind it where millions of people are in. So the next thing is I like to get your feedback this evening, the next weeks, on if this is interesting, how could we build a community around this, which people do we have to get, which kids or sons or daughters or whatever you know who are driving something, and join them together and we create a movement out of it. So this is something we like to use the FAF and free blockchain, because there is no transaction cost. I made a huge spreadsheet comparing top 20, top 30 blockchains. There are not many like all the stuff we have. And I started a little calculation a while ago. We are talking about energy consumption. And you know the big ones, eating energy quite a lot. The medium ones, eating energy quite a lot. So we did some calculation where I involved some witnesses, some other people, and figured out that Hive, with the nodes and all the stuff we have, is not eating as much energy. And we are still able to run huge games like Splinterlands, huge other products like 3Speak and so on, with that little power. And this is a very good argument talking to other people and moving them to Hive. If I'm not so lazy, I would already create a huge report about this, but it's a bit more work to have it sophisticated. So it will come sooner or later when I or somebody else find this. I have a question about that. Why is that? Is it because it's not as... Hasn't it got as many users or why is it not? No, because it's an energy... It's an energy... Solar power or what? Bitcoin is working on proof of stake. It needs a lot of power to generate the proof. And Ethereum switched to proof of work. And Ethereum switched to proof of stake. Low on the power heavily. We are doing this already since a while and having less. So, two questions. So, what I always would like to know is what are the criterion components to calculate this energy usage? Could you just... If I... Next question. Could you just share it? Feel free to contact me. Because I had to write a paper on that. No, I was really old. I was researching all these things and it was very quick. Very slow. No, because they don't show. Yeah. And every blockchain gets to be so green at the moment. And I was just wondering... It sounds nice. So, one of the rules after which are... Yeah, it's not even Bitcoin claims they are green. Yeah. Because they are driving the renewable energy. That's what I'm talking about. It's nice, yeah. That's great. It was in the old. That's why I'm... But in the end, the stake book mind is involved why at high level, it's not what it is. I created a calculation behind it. It's not out because I really like to validate it twice or three times to be going out to public. But I'm happy to share it with you. We have a specific amount of nodes, of hosts, of businesses and so on. And if you calculate this together, you come to a value less than this. I really enjoy the discussion on it. And I would like to invite you into a call online with some more time where we could go deeper, where we could go into that numbers and where you can tell me it's wrong calculations there or we have to add this to be... And this is a topic where I don't have all information together but quite a good amount where we then can condense this to maybe better numbers which we then could use to put into PR and other activities to get more attraction to our little blockchain and gain people in consulting projects pointing this and even better. I made a research by some AI tools and the AI tools didn't found the information about Hive. So as well there we need to put more information out to other Reddit and whatever parts of the world. It's an important thing which we should do because then again the same thing happened. We have many other things on Hive like communities and development stuff. We had some slides this morning so I probably don't need to repeat this again. There are plenty of applications and it's getting more and more every day. We get more games, we get more social media stuff, we get more tokens and so on. So this is something where I learn after so many years still about whatever kind of platform which is behind or what Podping does for podcasters. And there are so many cool functions available and one hour a day is not much to learn about all this. If I look back to my learning curve as I started I had a bunch of question marks around me and now estimate what happened to young people who are going today into the direction of Hive. How should we grab them without having them with all these question marks? So if there is any kind of material which could help this it might be quite nice. We as well have a lot of stuff where you can program with. We have better and not as good documentation on whatever but it's there you can do it as we saw with different games. Again security, another big big topic. Most of you know probably the keychain application which is connected with many of this where you can start all your stuff and your application and I like to point as well to Hive Auth which helps you especially if you like to use Hive on your mobile phone because whenever you have Hive Auth installed it's quite easy to use all the apps on your mobile and it's nowadays available on Apple and on Google phones. So this is another tool beneath Hive keychain which you should use or where at least you should have a look into it. And if the good thing is if you have some questions regarding Hive Auth I will get a guy later on the stage who created it. So it's quite easy. And there will be a beer Saturday this evening you already know. I will hang around there and the whole thing around Hive you should join today you already did. And another thing this is something you should take a picture of or have to have a look to my next post because I will set up the Hive Meetup Aachen number 13 in a lovely summer with nice weather in the city of Aachen which is in a triangle from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. And I already started some discussions on what we could do there. It will be a Friday evening with knowledge transfer maybe something like a hackathon in different ways and I try to get some cool spots in Aachen because we are a university city with 60,000 students. So it might be easy to onboard a few. So from there I will need a long half an hour more to talk. No, I'm finished.

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    ¡Yeih! The eagerly awaited videos have begun to arrive!!!

    How nice to have a resource like this available for reminiscing and reflecting on so many things discussed during #BuzzParty2024.

    Excellent talk to start, I think one of the presentations that helped lift spirits after the long day we had been having. Lively, straight to the point and understandable for everyone.

    Appreciate the hard work you put into everything @tibfox to give us these summaries. Even a month later you're still putting a lot of effort into it. My hat's still off to you kiddo! ❤️


    Greetings! What an honor to be able to enjoy these speeches, which contain quality information, I am attentive to the other summaries and videos.


    Oh, I didn't even notice that these videos were coming out!!! @detlev did a great presentation and I'm happy that I have time to talk with him during the event! It's always great to chat with passionate people who really care about the community and other Hivians!!!


    Great presentation and would be interested to know how to setup a community and token project one of these days.


    I want to congratulate you for your incredible work and dedication – your efforts truly inspire and elevate our entire community!


    I want to congratulate you for your incredible work and dedication – your efforts truly inspire and elevate our entire community!
