Yes I Am My Hairdresser and I Have Trained My Husband. #190. / Sí Yo Soy Mi Peluquera y he Entrenado a Mi Esposo. #190.


Greetings beautiful ladies of Ladies of Hive, I hope you are doing well ☺.

Since I was very little I have had an obsession with scissors and my hair, I have so many anecdotes and I never had a problem with wearing it short or long, the one who suffered a little was my mother because she would send me to the hairdresser and then I would come and damage the cut that mom had paid for.

Some women cut their hair not mainly to save money, but because they enjoy doing it. Have you done it yourself? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?

I remember once when I was a teenager I looked in the mirror and I was not satisfied with my hair so I took the scissors without thinking much and my hair got worse hahaha, I was scared that my mother would notice what I did, so I wore it up pretending that no one would notice it, but then my mother noticed and sent me to the hairdresser to see if what I had done with my hair could be fixed.

But as time went by I was perfecting my technique hahahaha, attending hairdressing courses and watching magazines, I didn't like to cut other people's hair, I just wanted to learn for myself, although I have cut ends and bangs to a few girls.

I'm not really obsessed with long hair, yes I like it, but I have also worn it very short, once I wore it so short that when my mother saw me I thought she would faint, because I leave home with a super long hair and I arrive with a very very short hair, but I felt great and powerful hahahaha.

Lately I only cut my hair myself and it's not something I think much about, I don't like going to hairdressers as it stresses me out having to wait, plus I had a couple of unpleasant experiences with hairdressers who gave me cuts and I was not happy, so I have decided to cut it my way and that gives me more security.

I know there are very good stylists but the ones I like are very expensive and I also save money.

Another thing I have done has been to train my husband to cut my hair, he is very perfectionist and I trust him, of course I am supervising so that everything is as I want, the front part of my hair I usually cut it myself, I can do it every three months as well as the ends, but now when I feel like cutting it a lot, I call my husband to help me, and he has done it well!

My last haircut was 9 months ago, I remember that my hair was quite long, but I was bored of having it like that, so I prepared everything to cut it, I called my husband and without problems we started to cut it and that day I cut it above my neck, I felt fresher, today I have it a little below my shoulders, I still haven't thought about cutting it again just the ends so I don't have them mistreated.

Finally I can tell you that if I see a haircut that I really like I might look for a good stylist, there are cuts that I definitely wouldn't do myself, I would call a professional.

Thank you dear ladies for the opportunity you give us to tell our experiences and experiences, thank you friend @ifarmgirl for the questions this week, I had a lot of fun remembering so many anecdotes I have with my hair ☺.

Thanks for the support and for reading, may the Creator bless you generously!

Photos of my property taken and edited with my Tecno Spark 20c Phone.
Separadores y figuras de Microsoft Word.
Collage Used: CollageMaker.


Saludos hermosas mujeres de Ladies of Hive, espero y se encuentren muy bien ☺.

Desde muy pequeña he tenido obsesión por las tijeras y mi cabello, tengo tantas anécdotas y nunca tuve problemas con llevarlo corto o largo, la que sufría un poco era mi madre porque ella me enviaba a la peluquera y después venia yo y dañaba el corte que mamá había pagado.

Algunas mujeres se cortan el cabello no principalmente para ahorrar dinero, sino porque les divierte hacerlo ¿Lo has hecho tu misma? ¿Cómo resultó? ¿Lo harías otra vez?

Recuerdo una vez siendo ya adolescente que me miraba al espejo y no estaba satisfecha con mi cabello así que tome las tijeras sin pensarlo mucho y el cabello me quedo peor jajaja, estaba asustada de que mi madre, se diera cuenta de lo que hice, así que lo llevaba recogido pretendiendo que nadie lo iba a notar, pero enseguida mi madre se dio cuenta y me mando a la peluquera para ver si lo que yo había hecho con mi cabello tenía arreglo.

Pero con el paso del tiempo fui perfeccionando mi técnica jajajaja, asistiendo a cursos de peluquería y viendo revistas, no me gustaba cortar cabello a otros, solo quería aprender para mí, aunque he cortado puntas y flequillos a unas cuantas chicas.

Realmente no me obsesiona el cabello largo, si me gusta, pero también lo he usado muy corto, una vez lo usé tan corto que cuando mi madre me vio pensé que se desmayaría, pues yo salgo de casa con una melena súper larga y llego con un cabello muy muy corto, pero me sentía genial y poderosa jajajaja.

Últimamente solo yo corto mi cabello y no es algo que piense mucho, no me gusta asistir a peluquerías ya que me estresa el tener que esperar, además que tuve un par de experiencias desagradables con peluqueras que me hicieron cortes y no quedé contenta, así que he decidido cortármelo a mi manera y eso me da más seguridad.

Sé que hay muy buenos estilistas pero los que me gustan son muy costosos además que también ahorro dinero.

Otra cosa que he hecho ha sido entrenar a mi esposo para que me haga el corte, él es muy perfeccionista y confió en él, claro yo estoy supervisando para que todo quede como quiero, la parte de adelante de mi cabello suelo cortármelo yo misma, lo puedo hacer cada tres meses igual que las puntas, pero ahora cuando me da el deseo de cortarlo bastante, llamo a mi esposo para que me ayude, y lo ha hecho bien!

Mi último corte fue hace ya 9 meses, recuerdo que tenía el cabello bastante largo, pero estaba aburrida de tenerlo así, entonces preparé todo para cortarlo, llamé a mi esposo y sin problemas empezamos a cortar y ese día me lo corte más arriba del cuello, me sentía más fresca, el día de hoy ya lo tengo un poco más abajo de los hombros, todavía no he pensado en cortarlo nuevamente solo las puntas para no tenerlas maltratadas.

Por último les puedo decir, que si veo un corte que me guste mucho a lo mejor allí si busque un buen estilista, hay cortes que definitivamente no me lo haría yo misma, llamaría a un profesional.

Gracias queridas damas por la oportunidad que nos dan para contar nuestras vivencias y experiencias, gracias amiga @ifarmgirl por las preguntas de esta semana, me he divertido mucho recordando tantas anécdotas que tengo con mi cabello ☺.

Gracias por el apoyo y por leer, el Creador les bendiga generosamente!

Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas y editadas con mi Teléfono Tecno Spark 20c.
Separadores y figuras de Microsoft Word.
Collage Usado: CollageMaker.


te luce mucho, tienes la cara perfilada y te vez muy elegante, yo por ejemplo tengo la cara redonda y no me gusta el cabello corto jeje


Hola! ☺️
Claro hay cortes para todo tipo de rostro, antes yo me atrevía mucho jajajaja siempre daba sorpresas sobre todo a mi mamá, ahora lo del cabello lo llevo con más calma pero siempre me gusta tener el control, un buen corte o peinado hace la diferencia.
Si te sientes más segura con el cabello largo, eso es lo que realmente importa.
Saludos linda, agradezco mucho tu visita.


Wearing your hair the way you want is all that matters. It's admirable how you learnt to cut your own hair.


Well I had to learn because I was very obsessed with my hair, now I'm more relaxed, and sometimes I wear it long and sometimes shorter, both ways I feel calm.
Thanks for leaving your comment.☺️


My hair has always been short (African genes) but I have cut it twice already in my life time.

I would say you’re bold to be able to trim your hair yourself. I wouldn’t have the audacity 😂


Hi, sweetie.
I've always done it since I was a child, I don't know why I was so obsessed with it, but now I do it naturally and I also explain to my husband how to do it hehehehehehehe.
Thank you friend for your kind visit.❤️


Que chévere que tú esposo te ayude con el corte de cabello 😊


Hola linda!
Siiiiii jajajaja, el ha aprendido mucho y lo hace muy bien, asi me ahorro el ir a la peluquería, el y yo hacemos un buen duo ☺️
Saludos @verdeayer


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Haha sounds like you were one adventurous girl since you were young. 😅 It's cool that you don't think much when you cut your hair. Your hubby is so sweet he helps you as well.

Thank you for sharing your fun memories of the old days hehe. ❤️



Oh yes I think I did many daring things but I became the rebel of the family hahahaha now I am calmer, and if my husband supports me a lot it is a blessing for me.
And thank you very much for the questions, they really took me to very pleasant memories, greetings! @ifarmgirl ❤️


Oye amiga, que bien vale excelente, no solo tu has aprendido a cortar tu cabello, que te queda mut lindo por cierto, sino que ademas entrenas a tu esposo te felicito y deseo exitos en tu post.


Hola amiga!
Si hay que aprovechar al maximo las habilidades que tenemos.
Gracias por tan amable visita, éxitos y bendiciones para ti 😊🌹


You are brave to have your husband help! I'm not so sure I would let mine, lol, as I'm sure it would be very interesting!

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!


Hi sweetie!
Hahahaha what happens is that I supervise it and I am very attentive, my husband has been very careful.
Thank you for your kind visit, and beautiful day to you too! ☺️❤️


Great! I have my son do some trimming for me where I have difficulty reaching since I now have a neurological health issue. He doesn't even need to be guided anymore since I now have a simple and consistent style and does a fine job at it.


Oh dear I had not responded to you because it was only now that I read your comment.
It's always good to have someone to help you and now you have your son and he gives you a hand with the haircut, I think that's adorable!
A hug and thank you for taking the time to comment, you are very kind. ❤️
