Cualidades como Madres y personas que nos transforman | Qualities as Mothers and people who transform us LOH #186

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In English

Greetings dear #LadiesofHive, with the edition you bring us this week, where we are invited to reflect with the questions of our dear @amberkashif, here is my participation:

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As mothers we have a great responsibility in life: to care for and prepare our children to make them good and happy people.
Children are constantly changing, each stage is one of growth and learning, it is us parents who are there to protect and guide them, I believe the fundamental traits would be:

The Love

We should never make a child feel that he needs to earn his mother's love, that would be like leaving a hole in his heart for life.
A mother's love must be given without any conditions, it is the only way a child can grow up with confidence, strength and good self-esteem.

The Good Values

To teach our children to be responsible, respectful, honest and generous, to learn to strive for goals and achievements in life.

As parents it is not only about teaching our children to clean and that everything should look good, although that is very important, it is also about teaching our children not to have it all, not so easy, not to just ask and that's it, I think the most important thing is to teach them ‘the value of things’ I think our children deserve everything, including preparing them to learn to stand up for themselves with honest work.

It is important that we teach them the value of material things, to control their tastes and whims.

Faith and the Love of God

Education is transmitted to the child from the womb, when we breastfeed, we teach our children, the greatness of love, we teach respect, love and fear of God, we transmit to them the enormous satisfaction of honest and hard work, we teach them to be firm, sincere and frank in their word.

As mothers we are always fighting so that our children do not lack anything, but if they lack humility, self-respect, responsibility, just to mention a few, we will be giving them an inheritance that will not end as long as they live, and it is what after all will serve for the formation of their own families, we must teach our children that no one is less or more than them, in any case the important thing is to learn to give in order to receive.

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Pregunta 2 english loh 186.jpg

The fundamental figures in my life have been three people: firstly my parents, they have been the first to love me, for the mere fact of giving me life and being the person I am today.

The other figure has been the presence of my godmother, she was my teacher since I was a little girl, she is part of the congregation of the catholic church, a person of high moral values, an example of thanksgiving and love for God, always looking after her goddaughter (me), today I have felt her love very similar to that of my mother.

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“Beautiful mother, if you were by my side, I would like to tell you that I always carry you in my thoughts and heart, that all my life I will be grateful to you for all the example, teachings, upbringing and love that only a mother can give, that I miss you very much and that I wish you are not suffering from any illness.

I thank God for having given me the privilege of having you and for the pride of being your daughter, my beloved mother, I know that now you are that light that watches over me from above, I ask you to send me your Blessing”.

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The designs in Canva
Banner design at the end courtesy of my friend @germanandradeg, edited in Canva
The pictures in my gallery taken from my Redmi 9 phone and edited in canva
Translated with (free version)

Portada LOH#186 spanish.jpg

En Español

Saludos estimadas #LadiesofHive con la edición que nos traen ésta semana, dónde nos invitan a reflexionar con las preguntas de nuestra estimada @amberkashif, a continuación les presento mi participación:

Pregunta 1 spanish loh 186.jpg

Como madres tenemos una gran responsabilidad en la vida: cuidar y preparar a nuestros hijos para hacer de ellos buenas y felices personas.
Los hijos cambian constantemente, cada etapa es de crecimiento y aprendizaje, somos los padres quienes estamos para protegerlos y guiarlos, creo que los rasgos fundamentales serían:

El Amor

Nunca debemos hacer sentir a un niño que necesita ganarse el amor de su madre, eso sería como dejarle un agujero en su corazón para toda la vida.
El amor de una madre debe ser entregado sin ninguna condición, es la única manera de que el niño pueda crecer con confianza, fuerza y buena autoestima.

The Good Values

Enseñarles a nuestros hijos a ser responsables, respetuosos, honestos y generosos, que aprendan a esforzarse para alcanzar objetivos y logros en la vida.

Como padres no es solamente enseñarles a nuestros hijos a limpiar y a que todo debe lucir bien, aunque eso es muy importante, es también enseñar a nuestros hijos a no tenerlo todo, no tan fácil, no con solo pedir y ya, creo que lo más importante es enseñarles "el valor de las cosas” creo nuestros hijos se lo merecen todo, incluyendo prepararlos para que aprendan a defenderse por sí solos con trabajo honesto.

Es importante que les enseñemos el valor de las cosas materiales, controlar sus gustos y caprichos.

La Fe y el amor a Dios

La educación se le transmite al hijo desde el vientre, cuando lo amamantamos, enseñamos a nuestros hijos, la grandiosidad del amor, enseñamos el respeto, amor y temor a Dios, transmitirles la enorme satisfacción del trabajo honesto y tesonero, enseñarles a ser firmes, sinceros y francos en su palabra.

Como madres estamos siempre luchando porque a nuestros hijos no les falte nada, pero si no les falta humildad, amor propio, responsabilidad, solo para mencionar algunos, les estaremos dando una herencia que no se les terminara mientras viva, y es lo que después de todo servirá para la formación de sus propias familias, debemos enseñarles a nuestros hijos que ninguno es menos o más que ellos, en todo caso lo importante es aprender a dar para poder recibir.

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Pregunta 2 spanish loh 186.jpg

Las figuras fundamentales en mi vida han sido tres personas: en primer lugar mis padres, ellos han sido los primeros que me han amado, por el sólo hecho de darme la vida y ser la persona que soy hoy en día.

La otra figura ha sido la presencia de mi madrina, fue mi maestra desde que era una niña, ella forma parte de congregación de la iglesia católica, una persona de altos valores morales, ejemplo de acción de gracias y amor a Dios, siempre pendiente de su ahijada (de mí), hoy en día he sentido su amor muy semejante al de mi madre.

Pregunta 3 spanish 186.jpg

“Madre hermosa, si estuviera a mi lado, me gustaría decirle que siempre la llevo en mi pensamiento y el corazón, que toda mi vida estaré agradecida con usted por todo el ejemplo, enseñanzas, la crianza y ese amor que sólo una madre puede dar, que la extraño mucho y que deseo que no esté sufriendo de ninguna enfermedad.

Agradezco a Dios por haberme dado el privilegio de tenerla y por el orgullo de ser su hija, mi madre amada, sé que ahora es esa luz que me cuida desde arriba, le pido me envíe su Bendición”.

Separador cautiva 30.jpg

Los diseños en Canva
Diseño banner al final cortesía de mi amigo @germanandradeg, editado en Canva
Las fotografías en mi galería tomadas de mi teléfono Redmi 9 y editadas en canva
Traducido con (versión gratuita)



Love, good values, faith and the love of God... These are really fundamental qualities every mother should have and impart on her children.
I can feel the love flowing from that letter to your mum, @cautiva-30 .


That's right, with them we can encourage our children to be good people. Thank you very much @ngwinndave for your touching comment, I appreciate it very much.


I’m so sorry about your mom’s illness
I also believe she’s watching over you wherever she is. She is really happy and proud to have you as her daughter because this letter is heartwarming


Thank you very much @abenad for your touching comment, I am certainly sure that yes, she is that light that takes care of me because of all the love she gave us.


Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom on parenting and the lovely letter to your mom. Take care and have a lovely day!🤗💜


I agree to the point that it is our duty to teach children the value of things. If we keep on presenting things to them effortlessly they would never acquire the skills to get them via their efforts. Moreover, they don't become resilient which is damaging to them in the long run of life.

Unconditional love is important to make children feel protected.

Inculcating love of God in our kids make it possible for them to distinguish between right and wrong and so they can have better decisions for their lives.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

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Thank you very much @amberkashif for your thoughtful comment, parenting does not come with a manual, we learn it when we have our children and it is similar to the upbringing we also receive as children. A hug.


Bening mom is big task but I am sure God will always help mom to teach the children.

Teaching good values for children is a must. Thank you for sharing 😊


Thank you @anggreklestari for reading and commenting, I think it is one of the best teachings we can give to our children, just as our parents did. A hug


"Beautiful mother, if you were by my side, I would like to tell you that I always carry you in my thoughts and heart, that all my life I will be grateful to you for all the example, teachings, nurturing, and that love that only a mother can give, that I miss you very much and that I wish you are not suffering from any illness.

I thank God for having given me the privilege of having you and for the pride of being your daughter, my beloved mother, I know that now you are that light that watches over me from above, I ask you to send me your Blessing".

What you express is very beautiful, and very tender, in that letter that I felt as a prayer you show the respect and the great love you have for your mother even when she has passed away. It is indisputable that your mother did a great job for you, she has made a formidable woman, an exemplary mother, and a wonderful human being.

Oh Mariela, how nice it has been to read you in this publication, I have been filled with love and with Roscio of nostalgia.

How beautiful.
