One time when i was much younger, I had this dream. In that dream, I was holding onto a rope and swinging to long distances. It was like how George in that movie, George of the jungle explored areas by using a rope.

But in my case, all what was there were trees, mighty waterfalls and only animals. Every one of them-harmless. I was the only human. It was a beautiful sight. Sometimes, while being transported on the swing, I'd get very close to a big rock/moountain and just when it looked like I was going to collide into it, I was met with a new horizon as another sight unfolded.
One of the most beautiful dreams I ever had. Beautiful!
When i awoke and was wondering upon it, I imagined myself in that situation and what left my lips was "that can't be me. Ha! Who? Me? Over hundred gets above the ground, playing rough play. No way. I'll just fall and scatter my small head. In fact, the fear alone will perish me."
I have a phobia for heights, I think. Doesn't even need to be too high a height before it sends shivers down my spine. It's that bad.
Yet, I always look forward to a time when I get to skydive and do some really terrifying activities. It's actually interesting, that all the adventure videos I love to watch and would readily choose to partake in involve heights. Like, I don't know how well I can even cope with walking across a bridge and yet...
I frankly would love to try skydiving. Holding unto a rope(maybe without an aid as normally occurs) and then experience that wave of shock. I hear it's dangerous but still I want to tread that path. You know stay between the line of fear and excitement and also, thoughts of death and life.
Of course, many times I have thought of what may occur in the eventuality that a rope cuts or the belt around the waist unbuckles. Omo! It's heart thumping to think about but I want to try. I want to see the beauty of the earth from high-up and get to scream my lungs until they almost are jumping out.
There's even this one adventure where one can sit on a tarpaulin-like material suspended in air, supposedly held in place by some ropes. It's the kind my people over here would be scared that you embark upon, your village people will definitely stop by to say hi. I like that one too. First time I saw a video of it, I had goosebumps and I felt fear. Just by watching it.
I want to conquer that fear. Being this young, there's so much that I would have to explore and I guess that a lot of fun lies up there too, even as little as flying on an airplane. I don't like that I get to shiver for something as this. Mountain climbing and tight-rope walking too are on my bucket list, but if I get to never get over the fear, how do I tick those off? I know it would help and definitely will be worth it. It's a thrilling risk but what's life without risks??
Thanks for gracing this post.
Oh my, this is so me! I want to try out really scary things, even when it feels like I don’t have the liver. I went on this 360 swing (don’t know what else to call it) in a lagos park then and I was so eager to try it out while every other person was shifting to the back😂 Eiii, my life flashed right before my eyes when I was directly opposite the ground several meters away. Bad thoughts kept coming to my head and I could only beg God to keep me safe😂
Hard girl, hard girl, I screamed like a baby😂😂 but it felt good anyways. I am even looking forward to try more things out later, skydiving as well 😌
😂This is so funny, I'm just thinking about the kind of prayer you made at that moment 😂...
I know right😂😂
I can imagine you asking yourself who sent you to do that kind of activity. You'll just start making agreements with God like, "God, if you let me finish this alive, I would never miss Sunday service"😂😂
But then, after then, you will still try another one. It's the life. Any fun stuff you can, put head. Who fear help??😂😂
I bet my phobia of height is worse than yours and its really embarrassing for me as a man. I start feeling dizzy up there and tend to lose my balance up there.
Going skydiving wouldn't be a bad idea since it would help us conquer this ugly phobia and my only fear is not passing out before I reach the ground.
It would be a super scary adventure...
I don't know if I should say it feels good to know am not alone. While you're scared of not passing out before you get to the ground, I am afraid that I might pass out the morning of the adventure. It's just crazy😂 but we should do something about it.
I hope you get to do that soon. I've always wanted to do things that are scary😂.. Goodluck with that !
We should definitely get to try these things out😂
Isn't it funny how we can do amazing things in our dreams which we can't do in our real self😂 I was just laughing aloud while reading this, I thought I am the only scared of heights😅 Though I could gather some courage and go higher
You see our dreams and our imaginations, those two are wildddd. You can have anything happen and even go your way. Reality is a different ballgame entirely 😂
I am telling you 😅