
It's all digital now. Almost everything(if not all) is. Amd these days, advises pour in from all corners that, in addition to learning a physical skill, one should have the knowledge of at least one soft skill. It does help.

In 2019, I had chance to participate in softskill training. At the time, I had nothing to do aside by staying home and working on my phone, hoping to learn a physical skill in the near future. Thankfully, my big sister worked as the manager for a renowned institute, and using her influence, I got into learning website design and development. I had never been interested in coding, so as you may have guessed, it was not my first choice of a skill to attain.

I had no prior knowledge of it. Although what I wanted was available there, it didn't seem like the best option. Considering I went through the course outline and asked questions from others who had gone through that class, I learned it may not be worth my while. The only next available thing, which in my sister's opinion would mot be much of a trouble, but I might consider fun was web development.
Today, I can't remember anything fron then except my memory is jogged.

However, I've always shown interest in Photography/videography. Always have I had a knack for it, from time immemorial. I'm easily the one that's always called upon to take shots or make videos. Always the one behind, rarely in front of the camera(people don't take me some fairly good shots as I do of them, that's why). I'm camera-ffriendly too.

Somehow, in spite of my toying around with the camera and somehow managing to get good shots and also putting in the efforts to learning a few hacks around it, I never get along to making good edits. A whooping 80% of videos in my phone are saved video editing steps. I try them and sometimes they cone out well. But, on my own attempt, without following a step by step guideline or using presets, I can not recognize what it is that I am doing.

Photo/video editing is the one digital skill I wish I had. There's so much appeal in looking at a well structured, edited, finely-presented video. People easily gravitate towards images/videos with much better graphics. To grab attention for whatever, be it entertainment, sales, name it, there's the need to sell this part.

Presently, time(no, not time). Well much ore time, some good equipments(a tripod-my old one broke, a light box, ...) and some tutorship on the basics keep me from getting at it hard. This is no excuse as there's so much free information online. As for the equipments, you'll say that I could just make adjustments. That's exactly what I am doing.

For now, I'm sticking to learning the basics of editing. I'm still so confused by the differences between saturation, contrast, exposure vibrance, dehaze....and all the rest. E de muzz me.

However, I'm starting to face it head on. For my lack of confidence in what abilities in this field that I have, I quite have missed out on certain opportunities. I could get the chance to run something, but rather than that, I run away. Don't get it twisted, I'm no pro. In a lonnnnggggg way from it but I try, especially with replicating another's work. My shots too are up-and-comingly fair(I hope this sounds sensible) but I still think I need to do touch-ups sometimes. I used to not like edits but most asides, it's necessary to enhance the final look and just give that finesse.

I stalk video and photo -graphy/-editing content creators, I belong with amazing groups in this line. I just don't know what my exact problem is.

That ends soon, I hope.
I should be handling a friend's video and pictures for her business page soon. Well, she's ready to see through all of my mistakes until I get a lot better. I'm also just focusing on getting better with taking good shots and learning angles and filming settings. Lets see how far i can go if i take this a step at a time, yeah? Maybe this might help me. I'm a little skeptical considering that I always strive for perfection always but it's just...it's just...phew, I don't know again sef.
I need help jare!

And there goes my participation to the Digitall lifestyle prompt 008. Do check it out if you please.

Thanks for gracing this post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lol! We all need help Abi 😂

Well, videos and photos are visuals that very much needed in today's era. It's important to master them.

It's so kind of your friend to let you work and learn with here. I believe with consistent practice, you will become a pro


My dearrrr, we need help🤣
We'll get to the point we so desire soon. E no go tey again


Perhaps you don't realise what you shared is the orgin story of a future steller editor. I'm not "there" yet, but I know this is how it starts, by trying and doing. I sight youon Lightroom, by the way. And as for the saturation and things like that, you could always check on YouTube, Instagram, or wherever and search about them. Little by little, you'll just be putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I'm hoping people come around to help themselves learn on the Discord server, so drop by anytime to ask questions or teach us anything.


And, I smiled(at your opening comment).

As for learning online, YouTube is my hub. Tiktok , Facebook, and even Pinterest are doing me good, too. For this course, I am everywhere getting whatever knowledge there is. I(We) will get there in no time.

I appreciate you coming by here, boss.


Practice always does us good as it boosts our confidence levels. Video and photography becomes easy once you get the hang of it. At least that is what I was told by the person I learned some from.


Yes! Yes! That true.
I'll just keep at it till I get a hang of it


At least you have the zeal, and once you can acknowledge your passions, it's the first step to actually realizing it. So, I wish you all the best dear. Photo and video editing is a beautiful skill to have.🌺


The zeal, I have.
The drive, I'm pushing at.
I'm going a step at a time.
Thank you for the wishes.


There are so many creative people out there. Photo and video editing is a nice skill to have. I have friends who are into it. But you know, it’s not too late to start/continue. As long as you have the passion for video/photo editing, you'll go far.
Good luck.


I've had this zeal for it for too long to even think of discontinuing at all.
I'd do what I have to.
Thank you for coming by, boss.
