It's a coincidence that this is what I am currently being taught in my physiology classes. From elementary school through to this point, I've been having couple of genotype and blood group classes. How well each blood group/genotype match, as per their compatibility, I know, but the true implications of two incompatible people coming together, I had not learned until recent years.


You know, some two years back, the talks on genotype was a rave. It happened that so many relationships(mostly marriages) suffered and hit rock bottom when offspring of the union began to suffer crisis which shook the family and drained them. Some of these issues occurred due to ignorance(I would assume) on the part of both parties, some were due to negligence and the drunkenness in love, some others held on to faith and belief that God will turn things around -because 'by his stripes they are healed,' some begrudge that parents of olden days did not check their statuses but went on to have fit and healthy babies, on and on.

In the few months that people began to speak up, I learned a lot and did a lot of research. While at it, I realized that they were many people who suffered from their parents decisions, including a former neighbour.

A year ago, I learned that an acquaintance, a friend to one of my cousins had the SS blood group. Prior, it bothered me why she was always suffering from cold, general body pains, why a minor bruise opened up into something really big and took the longest time to heal, while she was always sick and in/out of the hospital. I had suspected that she had an underlying ailment but I could not ask, until she told me so. Furthermore, I learned that she was the only one of her siblings who was so. I felt so much pity for her. She'd always complain that she's in pains.

You know, I used to know this lady who came online whenever she was having a crisis and cried bitterly on live. She'd make posts daily beseeching and begging couples to be reasonable and not make their kids go through such life. She literally dedicated her time to that cause. I could tell that it was debilitating. I could tell that she was living on the edge. She was tiptoeingbthrough the days, in fear. Fear of a headache, of cold, of any little ailment which could blow over and worsen.


See, ending a relationship which is aimed at marriage might be painful, but trust me, it's worth it.
Infact, before it gets to that stage of entanglement, just at the talking stages, the first important question one should ask is, 'what's your genotype and blood group.'

So many have made the mistake that forever would hurt them. So many, inspite of teachings, would go ahead with the intoxication of what they say is love and likely end up in hurt.
About this, I recall my parents once discussing about a lady in church who was to get married to this guy. As was the church procedure, the intending couple were asked to go run some tests at a hospital designated by the church. It happened that their results came back and they were medically unfit for each other. The church/committee advised and counseled them against the union. The couple was adamant, saying they expect the church to support them and back them up in prayers as they believed in miracles. The church refused. Guess what? This lady went on to get married to the same guy in another denomination. Kai...this thing called love!
You can guess that in few years, when kids blessed the union, the relationship suffered; blames, regret, so much hurt and resentment that even the love so professed and vowed couldn't hold up to.

See, this isn't to dismiss that parting ways with a romantic partner is any easy. It surely wouldn't be. But it's for the greater good. For the peace and mental stability of both. It truly is a sign of love. Tough yet caring love.
Love is not beyond your child's comfort and health.
Teach, preach and broadcast medical compatibility. Thankfully, we're at the times when knowledge/information is easily accessible.
Think of the emotional, mental, physical and financial depression that backs that decision. Is it any worth it?
Forget emotions, love is not enough.

See, every home goes through its own share of chaos but what sense does it make that you let yours go through one that otherwise could have been avoided? It's insane. And, inhumane. Very much so.

So, first date question(before love starts shakking the two of you), "what's your genotype, blood group, HIV status, family medical history, et all the other necessary statuses ) can even add, "una de craze once-once for una family?"

That last question is a joke sha but it's valid. Just look out for yourself and your future/family/kids. Only you can be intentional and do that better.
But, If you like no hear.
E concern you and yours.

Thanks for gracing this post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I also know someone back in school who was SS, omo this girl suffered, imagine going in and out of the hospital every now and then, every little thing she has fallen sick, that's not the kind of life someone should want for their children. It's better to know all this medical compatibility stuff before going into any relationship.


Some parents are the reason why many children suffer these days, imagine having a child with a sickle cell disease it is truly sad. I still remember a girl Back in my highschool which was always sick and didn't regularly come to school, non of us knew the reason why not until a teacher disclosed her alignment to us and we were all shocked.

This is a predicament which would have been avoided by the parents if they checked their compatibility before marriage. This is very important in marriage as I have seen many homes being destroyed because of this issue and it all can be avoided if we checked our compatibility before marriage
