I would not lie, while I laughed at the imagination of the diversity of opinions that i am sure would arise as a result of this topic, I thiught of my current state of middlle-classism that would want for equal distribution of wealth so that everybody will be qual-equal. But walahi, we know that if roles are reversed, if i was very very high up in the financial ladder, I would fight before I let anyone take what I have and let me remain on a certain level.


This whole topic is dicey going by the fact that my opinions swing in both directions. As, while I want that people who work genuine jobs, especially those whose jobs require more hard work and sacrifices get to receive better wages than most of them ever get to in this part of the world, yet, it doesn't make me any delighted that there's an unequal and slightly unfair distribution of wealth with a wide gap bridging the rich and poor where the more masses struggle to survive and merely stay afloat.

See, my stance on this is as straightforward as describing that I would want a system whereby people no longer just have to live per-day(you know, the struggle to feed daily and survive, as the case may be) but earn better incomes, enough to cater for their needs without having to face so much hurdles and to give them fairly comfortable lives.
That way, whoever wishes for some life that is luxurious and has more glamor so they could tick off all their fantasies can get to put in the extra work and all. But at least, first, they are able to feed and live well.

Don't you even suppose that a limit to earnings would reduce hard work and productivity, especially from people who put in so much work into ensuring that they're always hitting the peak?
Imagine working tirelessly, doing some really good stuff with your time and money and yet, be limited to the same financial strata as another who doesn't give half the input and result as you. That's demotivating.

The more a person earns, the more he strives to earn better than that irrespective of how fat his account is. Humans are insatiable. There are levels to luxury and more money equals more spending, and a different level of pleasure. Of course, by now we all know how it seems like the stages to bliss are unending.

It can be very tricky and hurtful for a lot of people considering that some few people seem to have so much money than we can ascertain what they use it for and so much that we see them spend, as we may call it, recklessly meanwhile lotss of people are unable to provide themselves with as little as good food to eat.

My whole point exactly is that there should be no limit to how much people can earn. What even is the fairness in that? On what grounds do we even consider that that pattern would thrive considering each one and his attitude to earn. What I would consider fair is if the plot makes that everyone has enough to keep them going with their basic NEEDS, and if anyone else wants the bubbly, fancy life then they have to strive harder for it.
Makes any sense?

Thanks for gracing this post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You have said well. I also am of the opinion that earnings should not be capped but everyone should be given the chance to work and earn enough to live a better life, and for those who feel they can´t do much, seeing others getting to the peak would serve as a motivation to them.


At least, let everyone be comfortable first, and then decide if they want much more pleasure from life


Very beautiful response on this topic! I love how you presented your points and anyone reading this will not be able to disagree with what you have said. I also find it unfair to place a limit on how much a person can earn, what happens to the excess if a person hits that limit? They give it all to the poor? I will fight if it happens to me 😂 this is one of the best entries I have read on this topic, well done 👏
