We were gathered in the school laboratory. not for any sort of practical. Just one of those GST classes that involved various departments of the school .

At the time, we had to scramble for seats due to limited numbers. Some coursemates and I were lucky to have gotten in early enough to get ourselves seats. Then we waited- for the lecturer. We had arrived minutes earlier before the class was to begin. Due to how extremely packed my schedule and time was, those few minutes in between classes were the free times I got to do any online activity and so you may always find me buried deep into whatever I was doing with my device at such times.
Fully into my phone, I did not realize that anyone was talking to me until I felt a presence too close. I turned and found a face peering"what are you doing?"
"Blogging on Hive," I replied.
Then the questions came pouring.I went on to describe Hive as simply as I could so that he gets it. The guy was quite inquisitive. Asked many questions. I told him the blckchain consists people who only create original and quality contents and get some reward for it. I told of other benefits and opportunities. Of course, the sound of reward aroused his interest more but I was careful to not dwell much on that plus I told him how not-so-easy it is to gain so much.
Explaining that consistency, quality time, engagements and mental preparedness is required. I tell how it's easy to give up in the early months due to so much going around, low output, and the small-small pressure that abound from looking at other people's engagements. I always say this, "to be on here and thrive I work. And, no be chaise work. I had to show him some posts of mine with low turnouts back-to-back. It was at that point the lecturer walked in and out chitchat came to a stop. We couldn't go on and although he reached out to me many times about wanting to know more and getting started, there just wasn't no time for that. it was rush hour then. tests, exams and all. He showed some good enthusiasm though.
See, before him i had spoken to a few persons about the platform but it always ends in talk. Even the persons I got to onboard, I still have to do some little push-work on them, giving updates and lessons from my errors too.
I can't think of any lessons learned. I won't lie, I dont talk much about here except am asked. To talk no easy and I can almost tell who wouldn't go through. If no be say person talk me into joining and for the sake of growth, i for no ever talk pim. Las las, talk from now till tomorrow, na who go join go join and who no go stay, no go stay. Shikena!
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