I used to travel a lot when i was much younger. It was one of my best things to do. No, no, no, that hasn't changed. Time, and money, has not made it any easy. And, if I had known that people made careers of travelling, if I had had the faintest idea of it, I probably would have chosen the path for myself. But it's not too late.

Last I traveled, which I remember making an update on here was to my hometown, my village. It was for a funeral. My paternal grandmother's.

Before then, the last time that I had gone to the village was say, some four years before. Of my own resolution, I chose to not join in the journeying and with the usual family ritual to celebrate the festivities in our numbers. It was fun to be there. I loved it as a child, everyone did. But I did not go whereas everyone else did. It was a phase. And returning only for that funeral after not seeing my amazing grandma for that extended period, made my stomach upset. Still does. Sometimes.

The days before the trip.

I had classes, Phlebotomy practicals, which I chose to skip(nah, I was glad to have a reason to not partake in). Well, I was busy putting myself and my things together, hoping my tailors(two of them) don't disappoint me last minute, which was almost the case for one of them. I had to do little shopping, run errands for some of my siblings, put schoolwork together. The day before the trip that I was to go back home from school, I phoned my tailor only to be told that she was out of town and hadn't started on my outfit.

Well, I stayed back and went by her place very early next day to make sure she started it in time. While she was on it, I went around to make final purchases. We(my cousin and i) got on a bus thereafter and arrived home by past 1pm.

My brother was already waiting for us, we sat around the house a little, ate some food, did some packing and off we went. Time : 3pm. So much for us who like evening trips.

When we arrived the park, we got our tickets and luckily, were the first to board and so, we got the back seat. I sat by the window because I like to. Because I like to people-watch, I like to pass by people and imagine where they're coming from, what their lives are like, because I like the feel of the wind as it slaps my face and makes my eyes flutter, because i like to take note of the very tiny details of changes across zones; details like changes in smell, how thick/light the air is, vegetation changes. Because I like how calming, clearer and sharper, more descriptive, very observing and my mind gets. Because I like that my ink flows well. Because I like to capture moments through my camera lens.

Our bus took off at about 5pm amd we got to Umuahia town at around 9pm courtesy of our fast, furious and well experienced pilot(driver). We boarded a mini bus to the station where we would get a bus to drop us at our next stop, we got into a nearby supermarket and bought some beverages. Then we got into the vehicle and waited for other passengers go show up. Mostly, it was corpers who were going to camp that joined us. Oh, the driver was so sluggish and money-inclined. Well, I got talking to the guy who sat behind me(a corper). It was some interesting conversation on different topics; change of environment, service, redeployment, better government and state, knowing us and a lot others. You'd think we knew each other since before.

I arrived my stop first and there were just two tricycles available to get us to our village. Damn! Price per one person was six times what it was before. I was so shocked. After bargaining and all, left with no option, we joined one and it took us to the village square. From there, we found our way home. By then, it was a little past 11pm.

The air felt just like home. So alluring, so calming, very welcoming. I must say that I was both surprised and glad how better developed the state(my village) had become. Better road network, good power supply and massive structures.
But you know what, I somewhat felt I was in town, not my village and a part of me did not like it. I rebuked myself, cause I should be happy -I am- it's just, these changes feel to me like they rob me of the memories of a village, my village, and what it was or what the little me reverred it for.

Regardless, it's all okay. I guess you know that nothing would separate me from my hometown. It's a happy place. It's home...sweet home.

Images are mine

Thanks for gracing this post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Aww, I have not really been to my hometown as much as I can remember but reading your experience I feel like I’m missing out on something. Well I guess it’s because I have most of my family with me so I haven’t had the need to visit my hometown yet.

Besides that, I don’t really enjoy traveling due to the bad roads but with a smooth road and good vehicle, traveling can be really fun.

Thanks for sharing Cheeamaka 🌹.


I get you. I have just my nuclear family around here. But it's a big vibe with the larger family, so everyone is always ecstatic to go.

True, bad roads make the journey less fun, but I don't let it come between me and my travel. I enjoy it nonetheless.

Thank you for gracing my post, big man.


I have only been to my hometown once and I will def jump at any opportunity to go now. You like sitting by the window side and all the reason you gave, there was one particular one I was looking for that I did not see. Anyways, It must have been an interesting journey when you travel with people you know, unlike the experience I just wrote about. tears in my eyes as I write this comment sef.
Thanks for sharing.


I've had to travel on my own to a city I'd never been to before. Tsk! That's a story for another day.

What reason did you not find in my article, sir? Tell me


Why you like to see at the window?😌😌

So you can ignore the rest of the people in the bus and look outside


You did a great job by visiting your hometown. It often happens that when people migrate to the city, they reduce their visits to their hometown or do not visit it at all. But we should definitely spend a few days in our hometown every year because this is the place where we grew up and many of our memories are associated with this place.
