Enjoyment outlet in something fun || Contest #146 [ESP-ENG]
Hello #HiversLadies | |
Hola, estoy feliz de poder participar en este concurso en esta comunidad. Poder hablar con naturalidad para muchos y expresarnos espontáneamente ante preguntas que pueden ser un reto y no tanto para otros, sin embargo, de eso se trata de desafiarnos, avanzar, expresarnos, estar en el aquí y ahora. y poder tener una oportunidad. | Hello, I am happy to be able to participate in this contest in this community. Being able to speak naturally for many and express ourselves spontaneously when faced with questions that may be a challenge and not so much for others, however, that is what it is about challenging ourselves, moving forward, expressing ourselves, being in the here and now and being able to have a chance. |
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que saliste por el día y disfrutaste estar con amigos y hacer algo divertido que querías hacer? When was the last time you went out for the day and enjoyed being with friends and doing something fun that you wanted to do?
When was the last time you went out for the day and enjoyed being with friends and doing something fun that you wanted to do?
Como todas las salidas, siento que lo mejor de todo es eso, es vivirlo y disfrutarlo sin importar si hay mucha o poca gente, porque los que están son los que llenan esos momentos de recuerdos libres que duran para siempre. Sin duda, si hay momentos en los que los sentimientos son mejores que otros, hay algunos para compartir que ni siquiera dan la posibilidad a una imagen porque estamos tan perplejos con lo que vivimos que solo hacemos eso para vivirlo. La pasé muy bien este día, era el cumpleaños de mi mejor amiga, y me encanta estar con ella, pasarla bien y compartir en familia, siempre que sea un cumpleaños y obviamente nos puede gustar disfrutarlo también, pero es genial estar en FAMILIA y amigos más cercanos. | Like all the outings, I feel that the best of all is that, is to live it and enjoy it regardless of whether there are many or few people, because those who are there are the ones who fill those moments with free memories that last forever. Undoubtedly, if there are moments when feelings are better than others, there are some to share that do not even give the possibility to an image because we are so perplexed by what we live that we only do that to live it. I had a great time this day, it was my best friend's birthday, and I love being with her, having a good time, and sharing with the family, whenever it's a birthday and we can obviously like to enjoy it as well, but it's great to be in FAMILY and closest friends. |
my special moment | |
Aquí pude compartir con personas especiales, cercanas solo a las que estuvieron y están siempre para mí, lo que me marca de esta imagen, más que nada de este recuerdo, y que LO DISFRUTE AL MÁXIMO, fue que pude comer, Realmente disfruto los sabores, de todo lo que me gusta y que actualmente no puedo por cuestiones de salud, pero sin duda este fue el día que más extraño, con esas personas que llenaron mis días de felicidad, con lo más sabroso y por supuesto con su compañía, ya que en ese momento yo también estaba pasando por una pérdida familiar, que había pasado un poco de tiempo, pero no podía estar totalmente feliz, y la verdad es que las personas que me acompañaron ese día fueron importantes en el proceso. | Here I was able to share with special people, close only those who were and are always for me, what marks me about this image, more than anything about this memory, and that I ENJOYED IT TO THE MAXIMUM, was that I could eat, really enjoy the flavors , of everything that I like and that currently I cannot for health reasons, but without a doubt this was the day that I miss the most, with those people who filled my days with happiness, with the tastiest and of course with their company, already that at that moment I was also going through a family loss, that a little time had passed, but I could not be totally happy, and the truth is that the people who accompanied me that day were important in the process. |
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te mimaron con flores y un regalo considerado que no vino con "condiciones" ( por ejemplo , una condición)? When was the last time you were pampered with flowers and a thoughtful gift that? And this one didn't come with "conditions"?
When was the last time you were pampered with flowers and a thoughtful gift that? And this one didn't come with "conditions"?
Posiblemente he recibido muchos regalos en mi vida, sorpresas, regalos pequeños o grandes; pero hay uno que me marcó en uno de los momentos más fuertes de mi vida que he estado pasando y al darme este regalo, sin ni siquiera esperarlo, me llenó mucho el alma y me hizo pensar que estos detalles inesperados deben ser atesorados; Sin dar nada a cambio, más bien he recibido demasiado con este regalo. | Possibly I have received many gifts in my life, surprises, small or large gifts; but there is one that marked me in one of the strongest moments of my life that I have been going through and by giving me this gift, without even expecting it, it filled my soul a lot and made me think that these unexpected details must be treasured. Without giving anything in return, rather I have received too much with this gift. |
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Puede que los regalos me muevan mucho en mi vida y es así, y es que esto sin duda ha marcado una parte de mi vida donde puedo reflexionar y atesorar lo que antes no tenía. Encontrarnos perdidos y estar en un momento de angustia y desesperación, y decir puedo y seré valiente, leyendo día a día y dándome cuenta de la suerte que tuve de recibirlo. Un regalo para el alma y el corazón. Sin religiosidad, ni nada por el estilo, pero viviendo de mi día a día, en el que cuando más solo y desesperado estaba, recibí inesperadamente este regalo, para sobrellevar las cosas que estoy pasando. | Gifts may move me a lot in my life and it is so, and it is that this has undoubtedly marked a part of my life where I can reflect and treasure what I did not have before. Finding ourselves lost and being in a moment of anguish and despair, and saying I can and will be brave, reading day by day and realizing how lucky I was to receive it. A gift for the soul and heart. Without religiosity, or anything like that, but living from my day to day, in which when I was most lonely and desperate, I unexpectedly received this gift, to cope with the things I'm going through. |
Hello, thanks for the support.
Es bonito celebrar el cumpleaños de tu mejor amigo, y sobre todo con familiares y amigos.
La Santa Biblia es uno de los mayores tesoros que uno puede tener aquí, excelente.
Gracias por tu entrada @cindycam.
It's nice to celebrate your best friend's birthday, and especially with family and friends.
The Santa Biblia is one of the greatest treasures one can have here, excellent.
Thank you for your entry cindy.
Hello, yes, birthdays and any reason in general to be with those you should always be something special. And the gift, without a doubt, upon receiving it, was the best in a long time. Greetings
What a special gift! I hope you get a lot out of the good book.
Thanks for sharing @cindycam
Hello, I try to do it, and it is that, it is an opportunity. Greetings