Be your best version 💫 Ladies of Hive Contest #197 Esp-Eng >

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A new week, a new contest #197 of this appreciated community, which allows us to have a place as @ladiesofhive in this ecosystem.

It's always a pleasure for me to participate and share my opinion, on the topics that @trucklife-family propose us, this time, some questions that allow us to reflect not only on what inspires us, but on the support we offer to our own gender.

1️⃣ Who in your life inspires you to become the best version of yourself and how do they do it?

Not everyone around me inspires me to be my best version, in fact I take great care of myself, I take care of my principles, values, loyalty and sincerity, I am my main source of inspiration and believe me it's not about self-centeredness, years ago I learned that everything starts within oneself and I stopped engrossing myself in looking for all the inspiration from external sources.

Because, if I am not my main source of inspiration then what am I going to change or improve, I am critical by nature and that leads me to my own self-evaluation of myself, to become the best version of myself, no doubt.

I have examples of inspiration, of course I do, there are those that inspire me to go for more and not stop and there are others that inspire me to never be like them, to be honest they all inspire us in different ways and perfection always has its shortcomings, as well as appearances, they always try to deceive us.

I am responsible for my mental stability and personal growth, so I try to purge the people who subtract, those people who do not deserve to be by my side, those who do not inspire me to live with passion, it is my choice of who to surround myself with, those people who add to me, with the greatest closeness to sincerity.

Although learning from our differences and particularities is a source that inspires us to be or not to be and thus achieve our best version of ourselves.
Every woman who has marked a point in the history of each generation in any scenario, is undoubtedly inspiration for me, women have always had to prevail to make a difference and I know that for none of them it has been easy and that all of them have sought to be their best version, with courage.


2️⃣ Giving back is important. With that in mind, how do you support the other women in your life?

Giving back should be a value that we all should have, for those people who give to us every day, or perhaps to do good without looking at whom.

My personal growth has undoubtedly advanced over the years, I am at a point in my life that I honor my feminine, ancestral, family, friends and social gender.

I believe that every woman has her own experience and that forges her and makes her be her own version, supporting is not only about giving, it is also about inspiring, encouraging and accepting our women as they are and offering above all our greatest sincerity.

Recognizing the value of each one of them, their beauty, their intelligence, their success and also their failures and mistakes, that is also support.

In the work environment I work with 26 women, all different, valuable and beautiful, professionals, who day by day struggle to move forward, we have been strengthening our relationship for almost nine years.


Today I can tell them when I meet with them; "be free, honor women, accept their beauty, their virtues and their success", it is the only way to really support our gender.

We are all women, with different realities, similar or different, invited to work as a team to advance, to improve, to respect each other and above all to inspire each other.

Many of them have thanked me for the moral, psychological and professional support that I have given them, I have seen their attitude change and improve their overall wellbeing, even making decisions that have changed the course of their lives.

We are all valuable and as a tribe and gender we must be our main ally, our inspiration and motivation to be our best version.

These have been my answers to participate in this new quiz of the week if you wish to participate you are free to answer, any of the questions, link.

A hug @ladiesofhive

! [Spanish]

Se tú mejor versión

Concurso ladies of hive #197
Una nueva semana, un nuevo concurso #197 de está apreciada comunidad, que nos permite tener un lugar como @ladiesofhive en este ecosistema.

Siempre es grato para mí participar y compartir mi opinión, sobre los temas que nos proponen, está vez @trucklife-family, unas interrogantes que nos permiten reflexionar no solo sobre aquello que nos inspira, sino sobre el apoyo que ofrecemos a nuestro mismo género.

1️⃣ ¿Quién en tu vida te inspira a convertirte en la mejor versión de tí mismo y cómo lo hace?

No todos los que están a mí alrededor me inspiran a ser mi mejor versión, de hecho me cuido mucho de mi misma, cuido de mis principios, valores, lealtad y sinceridad, soy mi fuente principal de inspiración y créanme no se trata de egocentrismo, hace años aprendí que todo comienza dentro de uno misma y dejé de enfrascarme en buscar toda la inspiración de fuentes externas.

Porque, si no soy mi fuente de inspiración principal entonces que voy a cambiar o mejorar, soy crítica por naturaleza y eso me lleva a la propia autoevaluación de mi misma, para llegar a ser la mejor versión, sin duda.

Tengo ejemplos de inspiración, claro que sí, hay esos que me inspiran a ir por más y no detenerme y hay otros que me inspiran a no ser, jamás como ellos, para ser sincera todos nos inspiran de diferentes maneras y la perfección siempre tiene igual sus carencias, al igual que las apariencias, siempre nos intentan engañar

Soy responsable de mí estabilidad mental y crecimiento personal, así que trato de depurar las personas que restan, esas personas que no merecen estar a mi lado, las que no me inspiran a vivir con pasión, es mi elección de quien rodearme, esas personas que me sumen, con la mayor cercanía a la sinceridad.

Aunque aprender de nuestras diferencias y particularidades es una fuente, que nos inspira a ser o no ser y así lograr nuestra mejor versión de sí.
Cada mujer que a marcado un punto en la historia de cada generación en cualquier escenario, sin duda es inspiración para mí, la mujer siempre a tenido que prevalecer para marcar la diferencia y se que para ninguna a sido fácil y que todas han buscado ser su mejor versión, con valentía.

2️⃣ Retribuir es importante. Teniendo eso en cuenta, ¿cómo apoyas a las demás mujeres de tu vida?

La retribución, debe ser un valor que todos debemos tener, para esas personas que nos aportan dia a dia, o quizás para hacer el bien sin mirar a quien.

Mi crecimiento personal sin duda a avanzado con los años, estoy en un punto de mi vida, que honro a mí género femenino, ancestral, familiar, amistoso y social.

Creó que toda mujer tiene su vivencia, experiencia y eso la forja y la hace ser su versión, apoyar no solo se trata de dar, trata también de inspirar, impulsar y aceptar a nuestras mujeres tal cual son y ofrecer ante todo nuestra mayor sinceridad.

Reconocer el valor de cada una, su belleza, su inteligencia, su exito y también sus fracasos y equivocaciones, eso también es apoyar.

En el ambiento laboral trabajo con 26 mujeres, todas diferentes, valiosas y hermosas, profesionales, que que día a día luchan por avanzar, hemos venido fortaleciendo nuestra relación durante casi nueve años.

Hoy puedo decirles al reunirme con ellas; "sean libres, honren a las mujeres, acepten su belleza, sus virtudes y su éxito", es la única forma de apoyar realmente a nuestro género.

Todas somos mujeres, con diferentes realidades, similares o diferentes, invitadas a trabajar en equipo para avanzar, para mejorar, para respetarnos y sobre todo inspirarnos.

Muchas de ellas me han agradecido el apoyo, moral, psicológico y profesional, que alguna vez les he brindado, he visto cambiar su actitud y mejorar su bienestar integral, incluso tomar decisiones que han cambiado el rumbo de sus vidas.

Todas somos valiosas y como tribu y género debemos ser nuestro principal aliado, nuestra inspiración y motivación para ser nuestra mejor versión.

Estás han sido mis respuestas para participar en este nuevo concurso de la semana, si deseas participar eres libre de responder, cualquiera de las preguntas, link

Un abrazo @ladiesofhive

Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart app.



There are so many factors with inspiration, but you are right; we should start with ourselves.

Women would not be where we are today without the love and support of one another. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!


There is nothing we can't look for 🔎 within ourselves, being our best version will allow us to give back that love, respect, empathy and sincerity with our gender, every woman is an example to inspire and push us to be our best version 🫂 infinite blessings.


I love when women encourage their fellow women to be better and greater, instead of tearing each other down.


I believe that putting aside the differences and turning them into strength, is a good process to break many paradigms and molds that led us to go against our own gender and tribe called woman, we must accept and make known that every woman, has value, has history and throughout her life bravely strive to be her best version 💫 🫂


Self responsibility, is very important in life. Recognizing how everything starts with self. Thanks for you response @cirangela and for sharing how you support other women also x


It is an honor for me to be able to participate and express the appreciation and value I feel for my feminine gender 💪 and for the responsibility we ourselves have to be our best version 💫 I believe that supporting and giving back is not only about tangible things but about those intangible things that heal and build from inside our being 🫂
