RE: Why am I not happy with CTPX Traffic Exchange and what can save it?
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Hello my friend,
I actually agree with you but when it comes to any TE. But CTPX has something I like no TE has. It does reward with CTP coins/tokens, but to win more you need to be upgradede I think?
But I am different than you. I have nothing to advertise. So earning credits is not at all the big thing for me. I already know what is my business and I do it myself. I do not look for referrals as others in the online world heard some kind of rumor that I am not a nice person. I agree to that too. Only because I have a very hard time being nice to people who are not nice to me. And the way I look at it is I make a monthly income from my online work. Its enough for me to fund my investing accounts, and my HBD growth.
SO for me its all about the CTP coin/token. I do win these coins/tokens but not like the regulars who win like 3-4 times in a row. I assume they are upgraded and I am free so they deserve more than me. I have 3 ads in CTPX. And after I surf everyday at CTPX my ads are stil at zero well they look more like 0.35, 0.68, and 0.77. So really I have learned when it comes to any TE I really don't care what they have as long as there is some kind of monetery value I can collect thats what I want. CTPX has something I want CTP tokens/coins. Credits I really don't need. I even started using list nerds just to collect these CTP and LN coins/tokens. The credits lol. I'd rather CTPX and LN reward me with tokens/coins over credits. I wished they allowed us to sell off the credits. I would sell them all for cheap too.
I actually stopped doing a few things here. I used to be very active with this looking for harry. I think I did about 2 weeks straight and I stopped. It's not that I didn't like looking for larry, I hated the surfing in these garbage TE. I did like list nerd and CTPX the rest I could care less for.
Soon I will not be having any of these otherv currencies. I will seel it all and just earn hive and collect those dividends of 20% apr with HBD. Unless I can find another token that pays the same. Right now I am in building stages of my coins, once I get enough that earns me a good divie of HBD. I will stop everything and just work on HBD. If it remains at that 20%.
Keep up the good work, even though our work is different.
@cptsilva Yeah, earning CTPs is also the only thing that is holding me here, but the question is, how to get more people into the HIVE world, even those who today don't want to have anything to do with the crypto world? I first joined the traffic exchange and almost left it to forget about it, but because I am learning the crypto thing for a few months now I became interested in the HIVE network and the idea behind it.
I think if the TE part would be acceptable for those others they will learn about the possibilities in CTPX and blogging platforms like #CTPTALK and others that are connected with HIVE.
I also use CTPX for promoting my blog posts, which works a bit to get some activity on them and it should be like this. I understand, that if there are more active users even not connected to HIVE more people will join and start doing things more personal way using the CTPTALK blog for example.
It's just the experience I have as a professional SEM specialist. I wanna make things better :)