Childhood is Always Remembered For The Time Spent With Siblings


Hi Hive friends.

The questions posed by @ericvancewalton for this week's Memoir Monday.

What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?

We used to belong to a middle class family so our house was not that big and all of us brothers and sisters were living inside one room since childhood and since childhood we have lived inside one room for 20 years so that's why.

There are so many memories that we still remember and so many things that we did together and they will always be remembered because there are very few relationships in this world that are as faithful as a sibling relationship. It happens that there is loyalty in it and they help each other when they need each other,

Then this relationship can be called special and the relationship of parents can be called special. There were also many fights between them, but then they used to laugh and joke with each other. The time was passing very well, and then as the age passed, after getting married, every person separates again, so special. At this point, all these things are very reminiscent.


Special childhood memories were here going to school in the morning then going back to tuition and then playing with each other in the evening and here in our country there are many such games that we play in the evening with our friends sister. With my brothers, those memories also come back, then there was no problem in life and there was a free life, a prosperous life,

That's why a good life passed and as soon as we were 18-20 years old, after that. Many troubles start in life, hard working people live a good life and people without hard work because life is not good and they have to face many problems in the coming time so it is better.

That we all should work hard in life and only by working hard can we succeed. Finger chips were loved by all of us in childhood and still are, but when we were children, we used to collect money in the evening and then we would buy them from the aloe market and make chips at home. I still remember that time and I have special memories.


At that time, prices were not so high, so we had more time. As we grow up, time runs out in our lives and money goes away but still we can't win the life like we are living in our childhood and then pakistani kids here are very fond of playing and physical activities for all of us. We know how important it is, that's why parents take their children outside to play in the park.

There is a big difference between the life of the poor and the rich family here in Pakistan, the poor children who are there are very difficult to find happiness in their childhood because every child wants to have every toy and play with it but here, middle class people cannot afford the same thing,

So they don't buy many toys for children and they have to play with the ones they buy, because they don't spend much because they don't have much money. And here inflation is there from the beginning, so all of us children know from childhood how important it is to earn money if we want to live a good life here in our country, that's why all these memories.


We also remember and in childhood we remember that first we used to go to school and then our daily routine was that we used to play cricket matches inside the house from childhood we all siblings and cousins. He loves cricket matches very much and till now the same story is going on, even when there are matches, we sit together and watch them.

When we were children, there was no AC in our house, so we remember that here the light was on for five hours a day, so we were very miserable in the heat, so we remember all that time. If so, then there is not so much trouble, but that difficult time of childhood is always remembered and people say that all of us should learn a lesson from the difficult time that happens.

If we try to be successful, we have also worked hard in the same way, and after ten years, we got success and we are very happy because we have seen hard work, whatever a person does, he must do it. Succeeds in the world and in childhood we remember that whenever we used to go to a swinging place,


All those memories come to us even if we close our eyes, then every human being had time. All the children of the neighborhood used to have fun with each other, but now life is not like that, now every day there is a new problem in life. Parents are the only sacrifices for children.

In childhood, children do not know whether the home conditions are good or bad. They know that we have to get this thing and enjoy it. Any other child is eating or wearing a good thing, then the children say that we want this thing. Even if the parents don't have much money, they still arrange this thing and give it to their children.

If you buy it, no one can find a role like parents in this world, because they have put their lives on hold and made their children's lives better so that their children don't need to ask anything from anyone for the rest of their lives. If necessary, we should also try to work hard and our children should live a good life in the same way.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and I am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is a writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.


childhood times are beautiful, every time I remember those moments I get very happy.


It is in a child's nature to be happy, he is content with little, the only thing he needs is someone to play with and siblings are perfect for that.


That life that is remembered where there have been difficult times but dealing with it together strengthens the present. It is understood that you work hard to have what you want and children are taught the importance of work. As a child I don't remember what life was like with the cold or the heat, that concern came when I had my daughter and I had to give her quality of life, so I was looking for a way to have a fan.

Kind regards.


Childhood memories bring nostalgia.
I love to remember those times as it makes me happy and laugh about it.
