I Also Believe in Miracles and Have Seen Them Happen in My Life

Hi Hive friends.

The questions posed by @ericvancewalton for this week’s Memoir Monday.

Do you believe in miracles?

Life is a long journey and we are living this journey, my age is also 27 to 28 years now, so within this age we have also learned many special things and there are many things that this world has. It was impossible to be inside. We have seen them happening, so the topic is very special and we keep seeing such things on social media.

Maybe now the way the cars are moving at high speed on the road, it was a long time ago, we were also on the road, when a car accident happened so bad that it seemed that the person inside cannot be saved, but there was a miracle and all those people were saved, only the car was damaged, so there are many other things like this that we have experienced in our life.

I have seen it, but whenever I think about it, I don't believe it, so I will share some more such incidents with you all in this post. Well, all of us are equal, but because of knowledge, there is a difference between all of us, because now doctors know many things and because of studying, they are given the status of doctor.


They come above this point only after studying for five years, so when we take the patient to the hospital, we don't know the condition of the things inside him, so the doctors tell us how many chances this patient has. How many chances are there to live again and to leave this world? It was a year ago that we had a relative who was ill,

So we took her to the hospital and stayed there for a few days. And the doctors said that the things inside him are completely gone, so he is only a guest in this world for a few days, so they told us to take him home. We took him home again, before we did a lot of doctors' efforts, but he refused that nothing could be done for him now,

So when we came home, we treated him for a short time. After that she became completely right and she lived another year so it is a fact that no one knows when someone has left this world and when there is an ego in this world only God knows.


Earlier we also did not believe in such things, but since we have seen such things happening in our lives, since we were young, such things are in front of us, then there are miracles and they are in this world. Now the doctors denied her that she cannot live but even after that she lived for a long time so all these things are in the hands of God and this is our faith and then his later,

I would like to narrate some other incidents here. Now this is how marriage happens and children are born, so some people are not having children, they are very worried and some people have medical problems and the doctors say that they can never become parents, so we are seeing such things happening here in the whole world,

So there was a similar incident here that the doctors said that these two husband and wife who are never mothers. If they cannot become a father, then after that those people were very worried because life without children is impossible and when a person thinks of second marriage, more problems start,


Then after that those people he prayed a lot and took care of many things, which were very important to take care of, then after two years, he had a child at home, so this is also a miracle because the doctors clearly forbade it. They cannot have children in their house.

A few years ago there was an incident in our neighborhood where a child was kidnapped and a lot of efforts were made to find him but he was not found. But he was not found. Waited for a long time. He did not come. Then one day after 10 years, he returned to his home. His family was very happy and this was also a miracle.

Because whenever someone is kidnapped, money is demanded or he is killed, but both of these things did not work and when he came back after 10 years, he was perfectly fine and so on. He told the whole story that he was kidnapped and taken to another city and kept there and with the help of a person he came back from there.


They kidnap people and make them do wrong things, just like the way that there are many thefts happening in our city these days, these people work in the same way, they kidnap people and then force them to complete their work. Now I will tell you my story. We have worked hard in our life. Last 10 years we worked continuously but we were not succeeding.

We continued to work hard and there were two years in our life where we got success inside and we got the kind of life we thought of within two years which we could not get in the last eight to 15 years.

If one continues to work hard, then one does not get success, then there is a lot of desert and many things one starts thinking that one will never be successful in life, but when the time of success comes one does not know and one gets success.


Yes, when we got success, we bought our house and bought a car. People still can't believe how we bought these things so quickly. It will also be called a miracle. It also helps. From God.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.




I'm glad everything worked out for you. Sometimes success comes when we least expect it. The important thing is not to give up.
