The New Rule Has Been Given by The Government, One Month Leave Will be Given to The Person who Has New Born Children at Home


Hi #hivelearners community.

It is a fact that earlier here in our country also there was a similar role. After a couple of vacations, the man had to go back to his work, so he could not give time to his child or more than that, love. I could do it. Love is more after giving time, so the father was also worried and if he did not go to work, his money was deducted there.

These days, now this new rule has been made that if someone is going to have a child, then the man will also be given a month's leave so that he can spend time with his child and enjoy life because this happiness is the greatest happiness in the world, especially when the first child is born, we cannot describe that happiness in words.

Children are given by God, whether it is a son or a daughter. That after some time we get old and after that only children support us if we nurture them well. It is often said here that the mother does more for the children, so it is true that the mother has more responsibility because the father also has the responsibility of other tasks,


He has to earn money to run the house when he is out of the house. If he does not go, he will not earn money, then the house will not be able to run in any case. Now the modern era has passed, people are sitting at home and earning money. If there are more fights, it would be better for men to live outside,

And it is true that there should be enough vacations to see your child grow up before your eyes, to serve him, to love him. I used to think and only few holidays were given in our country but now all the people are very happy with this role which has come.

Today, the kind of difficult time is going on, a person who is earning money by working hard knows how he listens to people's abuse and earns money only for his wife and children and for his family. So that they can live a peaceful and good life. It is a fact that there have been so many difficult situations outside due to inflation that no one is giving anyone even a single rupee for free.


It takes double work, in the same way, the time is very hard, so we should understand each other so that our lives can be easy, and it is also a fact that family members should also understand that men work hard all day. Therefore, he should be given respect, he should be given everything on time,

He should also realize that there is someone who serves him in the house, but the kind of things that are going on here today, every day, the husband and wife fighting is happening over domestic matters, so this should end. If here the father will not have holidays and he will continue to go to his work,

Then people still have a problem here that the children are born, the father is nothing, so he is going to his work everyday, people do not know that when he does not have leave, his money will be deducted, so how can he take leave again when he will not have money to run the house. But the father has to go to work after a couple of days and this is all that people need to understand.


It is not that the father is going to work from the next day, then he does not love his children. He is seeing that if he does it in this way, there will be trouble in the future, the situation will be bad, so he will have to take a loan and live on a loan, so every man tries to avoid taking a loan.

And he should live his life in the same way that he is earning as much money as he himself is and this effort remains throughout his life to earn more money by working hard and live a good life. People will always talk in the same way. We can live a good life whatever we want. Those who do what they want have a habit here.

They will not be happy in any situation. If we want our family to live a good life. If so, learn to always ignore what people say and do not take what they say to heart and live your life by working hard and laughing with your family. Now the way a month's leave is done,


The most benefit will be given to the child's mother and the father who is there will take care of the child and when the mother's health will recover after some time, then he will take up his responsibility. When the child belongs to both, both of them have to serve it, but the father has other responsibilities,

So the mother has to do more, and it is also a fact that nowadays we see that daughters love their father more and sons love their mother, this story has been going on since the beginning and will continue to go on like this. Bonding is good only by spending time with each other, love is more when there is no time to spend with each other,

There will not be enough time to give each other time, then there can be no love, it is a fact that even If we love our childhood friends and want to spend time with them, it's because they've been with us for a long time and we've known each other all our lives, so when we're older If you leave, you don't make new friends, you live with old friends, so it is important for the father to have a vacation so that he can love his children and give them time.


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Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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